Author Topic: A multitude of sins  (Read 11505 times)

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Offline Thunder

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A multitude of sins
« on: March 10, 2012, 10:08:56 AM »

Greetings from South Africa.

I'm writing this as a way to keep track of what i've actually done on Cb's these last few years,
and, perhaps in the process helping someone else.

First off , thank you to this site, the wealth of knowledge , friendliness and inspiration here has made getting the old girls on the road a breeze. (well the last parts a lie :), but it has made the "struggles" winnable.

When younger I had a couple of off-roaders, then a 50ccroad bike  ,then a CX 500 (seized it) ,Cb550 Cafe Racer (after the the actual period, but before the current craze) and a Cb 900f DOHC for about 12 years ,  but after having a particularly bad off (broken neck, skull arms , wrists etc) i gave up "biking"....

I got rid of a collection of assorted bike parts etc (I'm still kicking myself)... and got a car license.

Now those of you that have given up bikes for any length of time will know what i mean when i say there is a constant feeling of something being "missing".
I buggered around with kit cars and various other distractions, for about 10 years, but they just didn't "float the boat."

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

The "projects" were cool but were sold as soon as they were finished.

So...with a bit of trepidation , i decided to get another one.
Now i had always been partial to the cb750, having found the engines clean lines and the 4 into 4 drop dead gorgeous.

And besides, i told myself , in a reasonable , adult  tone of voice, you cant get into trouble on a 37 year old bike and how costly can all that old tech be...

But, i knew nothing about  Cb's, and even more worryingly  i hadn't found this forum.

So, in our local classified i found this...

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Spoke to the guy, and he gave the usual... "it's a collectors item, never had a days trouble, i think she still goes, just lost interest and parked it... Blah blah blah"
...and unbelievably he managed to insert the fact his father was a priest???

So...unbreakable Cb750 ,collectors item ,son of  a preacher man... what could go wrong.

Got the bike to my mom's place (i live in a 3rd story flat) and started in on my bargain, getting it ready for roadworthy (MOT).

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

All the chrome was rusted, battery stuffed, seat rotton through, "holy" exhaust,mangy comstars, shoddy bodywork...     

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

and unbelievably she started with new oil, fuel and battery.Gotta love it.

Re-did some dodgy wiring, got it barley passable and got it licensed, but not before paying a shed load of back licensing fees... she was 7 years out of date ( cost me more than the purchase.)

Still wasn't entirely happy tho, she wasn't looking right.
To me the F has always looked a bit lost) in time...   
So I decided to go the cafe route, all i was lacking was spares and  knowledge.

Then i found you guys and was astounded at the love for these bikes... i was not alone.  ;D

To date i reckon I've spent hundreds of hours sitting here reading the forums...

So...a F into a cafe racer...easy peasy.

First off a tank from a K

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Took an old RGV tank and cut the aircraft filler cap out  ( I had always wanted i bike with one)

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Sin 1, for those questioning the title ;)

So, not knowing how to braise ,and chuffed with my ingenuity , i JB welded the filler cap in there. :P

Advice: Don't... but more on that later.

Brilliant. Now for a bum box.
I never liked the genuine sharp rounded traditional cafe tails, so i was constantly looking for aluminum shaped the way i wanted.

I got plenty of curious looks in lighting shops when measuring the width and angles of the various aluminum lampshades. (too thin BTW).

Now, although we have the interweb n stuff,  i find it a huge task ordering stuff from overseas... besides our customs guys can NEVER give me an idea of what duties  i will pay when the item lands... apparently it depends on on wind speed, temperature and when the official in question last got some.

So ordering, was out. 

I know , I'll learn sculpting and mold making and fiberglass and polishing and sanding and primering and painting. :o

I got some hard foam (they use it for refrigeration insulation on shipping containers) , not dissimilar to the stuff for flower arranging.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

twas a bit big....

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Alot of whittling later and i had a pretty good (equal) shape i wanted , running kinda along the lines of the tank.
I then took wall / plaster filler , smeared it all over my rough foam shape and sanded til smooth.
Cool, template created.

The mould making was pretty straightforward, I just layed fibre glass over it and let dry.
(the lack of pictures indicate it was anything but ;D).

When it was dry, popping the mold off the template was a mission, but because the foam and plaster was softer than the fiberglass scraping it out of the mold wasn't difficult.

Then , because i was on a roll, I layed  fiberglass in the new mold. 
I didn't have a mould release agent to put in the mold, so i used wax car was polish.

I don't let realisim interfere with good or bad idea.
Hells bells , it actually worked.

Before the tailpiece was fully dry (hard but still curing) i wiggled it free from the mould and left to cure.
It was rough, but i reckoned with some sanding it would come right....
More on this later...

Another idea, which i haven't tried was:
 I wanted nice aluminum side covers, so i thought whittling a template outta wood (solid), laying it in some semi-dry cement, removing it and letting the cement dry.

I would then place an aluminum sheet about 1mm thick over the cement and place my solid wooden side cover over the aluminum, which is over the created recess.
On top of this i would put a plank over which i would drive my car, forcing the wood into the ally, forcing it into the cement template.
I hope this kinda explains it...

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Oops,  imagine the ally plate is between the wood template and cement recess (too lazy to go back into paint and remake it.)

(this was an idea got from watching old WW@ foortage of them pressing out GI helmets )

I am sure this idea has alot of holes in it , but if anybody had tried it i would love to hear how it turned out.
I presume the ally would fold in places, needing to be dremmeled /cut and welded.

Anyhow, Bike was stripped, and frame and bits n pieces were sent off for powder coating, the engine was polished and re-sprayed.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Cellphone Pics are rubbish!

Now whilst this was fun and all, i still wasn't riding. Then i found this cheap....

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

The guy clearly didn't read my "aluminum side cover creation" instructions.

Fantastic, now i have something to ride whist the Cafe goes ahead.

Pissing oil from the head, MUCH heavier than standard "mag" wheels , a bad aerosol spray job, hammered sheetmetal for a front mudguard.

But she was on the road....
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 10:23:18 AM by Thunder »

Offline brooze72

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2012, 10:20:50 AM »
Great story so far, Thunder, I'm impressed with your can do attidute & ingenuity  ;D  Keep up the good work & keep us posted too.
2011, 2012 & 2013 Godzilla Relay Rally Rider
"Hold on loosely...don't let go
 If you cling too're gonna lose control"
1972 CB500K1 - restored rider
1981 CB650C - new project

Offline Stev-o

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2012, 10:36:22 AM »
Hello from Texas. Great story and writing.  I agree, need to have a rider (or three!) while working on your project bike.
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2012, 01:07:54 PM »
(As an aside, the damn dog at my moms always chased the bike whenever i left, turns out he just wanted to play)

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

During this time , i made a habit of using the weekends to go around to various bike shops hoping to get a lead on some elusive Cb parts.

I pull up to this one bike shop (owner run ).
He comes out the shop, looks at the bike and says..."mmm, that used to be mine"

(bear in mind Cape Town is a fairly small city, with maybe 15bike shops)

Pay dirt.

Turns out it used to be his,  then he sold it to a guy who brought it back to him for "customization".

Things like dumping the four into fours , hacking the tail piece... the usual things that now make me go????
(yeah, i know i hacked into a K tank, still haven't forgiven myself).

Chatting casually, he points to the ceiling, and says, yeah, still got the 4 into4's from that bike.
Haggle haggle haggle.... I now owned the 4 into 4's that came with the bike.
In fantastic condition.

I have a half assed "customized" cb750K (1974) (no reflection on the bike shop owner, rather the other guys bad taste) that I'm riding around on, and an F (1978) thats going into a Cafe.

What to do with the pipes.

Right, not going to waste em on the cafe. I'm gonna finish the Cafe and then restore the K.

But... then i get a call from the bike shop owner (I guess after my gushing at the pipes).

"BTW, I've got two K's lying in my garage , you can have am at a good price!!!!"

I cannot get the money out my pocket fast enough.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Going to pick em up from ONE of his garages, i was astounded at all the bits and pieces in it. A lot of stuff.


So the paperwork was iffy on the bikes (back payment would cost plenty, more than i had)  so, what to restore.
The cafe had by now taken somewhat of a backseat.
 the black K i was riding around on was to be the one. (Lol, the only one with paperwork and licensing  up to date.)

During the course polishing up the F ,

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

I had burnt out my cheap buffing wheel. Solved by getting an old heavy duty motor, a fan belt and some pulleys.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

he thing is now so strong  i reckon it'll pull a finger, so gloves and face mask at all times.The wheel debris ends up all over the place.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Works well tho...

The build of the 1974k

Stripping the doner bikes"

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

And the "one""

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

During this , i found a brand new rev counter in the classified,had  never had been used.
(i actually debated taking it out of it's Honda wrapping.)

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

So... engine out and totally stripped.
 Found out it had a champher/pin bearing conversion at some time in it's life.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

good times.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Just looked at the pics of the yard ,tucked away round the back of my mom's place where her guests don't have to see those noisy stinky bikes (me too i guess ;D) , and believe it or not I'm actually not a redneck... well a bit mebbe...

So, taking the engine apart (leaving the bottom end which feels pretty solid) its time to cure the head leak, some new rings valves stem seals, gaskets and head skim.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

(the last pic you can just see an old BMW R25 engine that I'm restoring...eventually. Cutting my teeth on the Honda's first tho)

I had a mate going to England, and  ordered a lot of stuff from David silver: like gasket set, seat cover , spokes etc.

My mate is carried  it back here in his luggage.

The head and cylinder have gone to a machine shop to get done(skimmed, honed valves put in).
I had ordered APE extra strength head bolts as well.

Once again thanks to this site, i know what to get and where to get it.

In the meantime i spent some time prettying up the bottom cases.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Normal 2K silver and Clear.
Upper cylinders: Duplicator silver High heat,goes up to something like something like 1600 degrees?

Phone rings... and its the guy from the bike shop who sold me the doner bikes...

"I'm cleaning out the garage, and have put aside a whole lotta CB stuff, you interested?"

A whole lot was an understatement, i filled my cars boot , and passenger seats up to the roof with parts.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Whoop, i feel like i won the lottery.
 Just to give you an idea what he gave me (i say gave, because the asking price was an unbelievable kindness) (Cheers Tim)

11 carbs, 2 heads, 3 cylinders, 11 front n rear wheels, tonnes of electrics etc... about 30 years worth of collection.

I'm not bragging tho as the volume of stuff has relevance later on.

Head and Cylinders come back from the machine shop (That cost quite a bit), and assembly begins, with constant referencing this site

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

along with constant questions to Terry in aus.(TX MATE, much appreciated).

The frame got sprayed (how it came out so well i have no idea as the shed is not big enough to swing a cat)

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

And this sites recommendation of frame over engine

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

And its in...
(there's a joke here somewhere, but it's late...and i'm tired ;))

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Being a bit like a magpie all the shiny bit had been residing at my flat.
It was time to re-spoke the wheels (Spokes from DS)

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

I had hand stripped the spokes and resprayed the hubs with 2K silver and clear as polishing them would be a nightmare to keep shiny once the spokes were in.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

The re-spoking went well , lol.  (see no pics:)

TBH, it took me about a day, and i was unsure about myself every step of the way. (once again this site helped immeasurably).

Kudo's to the brilliant instruction here , because when i had the tires fitted and balanced the was about 3mm play on the back and 2mm on the front(side to side movement), which i was told was negligible.

Test fitting and looking good

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Incidentally the last pic had a board in the background with a to do list... the board ended up being not big enough. ;D

Ok. So engine in and running gear on. All systems are go.

Some of the plastics were cracked due to the stiff mount rubbers (BTW get hold of wintergreen oil to soften the rubbers).


ACETONE and some old plastics (same type) in a jar

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Let em soak overnight, until they get a custard like consistency , and paint it over the cracks /missing pieces.

Sounds dodgy, but it really works, as the acetone remelts the "custard" into the original part.
I tried to pull it apart(the crack and nothing.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]


In amongst the wealth of stuff (that's bragging  ;D) i only had one set of original tank  and side cover  badges.
Now not wanting it to possibly adorn the wall of some unappreciative and vandalistic lout, i decided to make some fake ones.

I took some plasticine (i think you guys call it play do? ), spread it out like dough.
 Took the badges , painted some oil on em, pushed em into the plasticine and pulled em out

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

(plasticine doesn't dry, but remains malleable)., retaining a badge imprint.
(only push em in as deep as the badge is)

 Tried fiberglass resin and hardener, but found it was too brittle ,especially with the K2-K0 and below type badges)

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

(came out fantastically well , even replicating the odd scratches)

So i tried some fiberglass with sawdust
.Thick sawdust inhibits bringing out the detail.
 Best combination i found is fiberglass and Fine sawdust. A tradeoff with brittleness and flex.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Like an idiot i didn't take pictures of a finished product.I will have a look in the shed and see if i can't post some of the ones i have lying around.

(PS, you can make hundreds, very easily, and mysteriously more than a few cars around here have 750 four badges on them)

I also tried the Acetone and plastic mix, but it caused bubbles in a large thick quantity.

<img src="" title="Hosted by" alt="" />

more to come...

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2012, 01:25:35 PM »

So, of all the seats i has, none were in good nick,(foam had perished) but i had a cover from DS.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Found a good base that i cleaned and sprayed

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

So, from a foam place (they don't have a specific name do they?) i got some foam which i cut to size with (my specially purchased) electric carving knife (since been liberated by my mother...)

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]
Shaped with angle grinder and sanding disk

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

and covered using Genkem contact adhesive and some choice swear words

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Colourful Things...

So, i was looking to get her painted in the beautiful sun flake orange, and being cheap i didn't get the proper stuff from the states, instead i walked around with a picture of a Sunrise/flake K4 , until a paint shop had the confidence to say he could replicate it.

yeah right.
All those long nights, skinned knuckles, blood, sweat n tears and i got this back as a paintjob.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

OK, it didn't look too bad, but after the incredible machine i had built in my head it was a let down. :-\

Damn... well i'll just spray it myself.

OK, remember the tank from the cafe racer?

Well i dragged it out and started with my new color (still being cheap and stubborn and not ordering the right stuff ;D) i decided to go with the color of my old car.

Jetta metallic green.

Incredibly decisive i messed around with various designs:

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

And settled on this

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

It came out pretty good in the end.
 3rd time lucky i suppose.

The second time (first being that terrible tangerine color ) I had actually airbrushed the card motif on the tank, and was going to gloss coat it the next day when a projector screen in my flat fell on it and dented the tank.

I think there might have been tears.

The third time i just sprayed the green and black n silver, and got a mate to print out my Photoshop mockup on stickers which i stuck on and gloss coated.

SHE WAS RUNNING!!! Sweet, the 4 into 4 sounded brill. no oil leaks, seat was a tad hard, but in it was something i was prepared to live with.

I took her on may runs, and in the first month or two had covered about 2000km. She was running fine. handled well thanks to some Konis i had dumped some new oil in, and life was good.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

The Cafe (1978 F) had by now taken a back seat far far away, i was too busy riding.
Then , remember the tank i Jb welded?

Well petrol stated creeping between the two tanks (RGV CAP and K4 Base) causing the paint to bubble n chip. Third time not so luck.
i whipped it off and sprayed another tank with the remaining green.

(if you go original you just don't have these problems ;D)

Life was good again, 6000km later and she ran like a dream
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Then i went on a ride with some mates, including one of the new CB1000's.
Which i took for a ride... bad mistake.

Climbing on the Cb again was an anticlimax.

 After all the joy/love/seat/thought/time....etc, she quite frankly handled like a 36 year old bike. :-\.

(bear in mind this was my first bike riding after 10 years, so the 1000 was a LEAP forward in tech.)

now this is where my rashness and impulsiveness are negative qualities...

She was for sale the next day. 2 weeks went by, and i consoled myself that i still had the Cafe if i sold the k.

Then the phone rang, and a man spoke Japanese (i guessed not being fluent myself), the asked in broken engrish if the bike was still for sale.

His South Africa broker come round (the broker here does a roaring trade in in Mini coopers, to japan) to me , took some photos and a few days later she was sold :'(, and on a ship, going home.

Very mixed feelings, regardless that i got a lot more than i originally paid.

So i went out n got this

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Fantastic, goes stops,handles and drinks fuel like a banshee ;D


Still something wasn't the same.  That missing bit was soul (if you can define soul as breaking down, backfiring, refusing to start, behaving erratically from one day to the next)


Remember the tank....?

Well it's back.

I was still convinced i wanted an aircraft filler cap (stubborn) so i stripped the tank, and had a radiator place braise the cap in once and for all.
Then i wanted knee dents
 (this sites fault :)),
so i made those, and have spent the last few days sanding the tank ready for a new color...

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

yip Jetta silver this time.
(hopefully tomorrow)

And she's getting a little sister... which i bought today...

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

here we go again.... ;D ;D ;D


« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 02:41:11 PM by Thunder »

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2012, 02:43:49 PM »
G'Day Thor, that's looking good mate, and what a haul of CB750's and parts, incredible! Have fun with that mate, and send me whatever's left over! Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2012, 03:17:08 PM »
Good story, Thor.  I am surprised there are so many shops and CB's in Cape Town. You have a wealth in parts if you ever decide to sell some  :P unless you are the only SOHC fan ...Larry

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2012, 10:57:27 PM »
Tx guys

@ Larry, when i say Cape Town i mean bike shops in about a 300km radius ;D.
most shops you go into , they look at you a bit sadly and say "you're 20 years too late mate, dumped all that stuff years ago".

I have sold a couple o bits to Terry, but in most cases (regarding weight )unless its unobtanium, the shipping cost make it unworthwhile, both for seller and buyer.

I will update the thread as progress goes forward, both on the Cafe, the 350 and another K i'm planning to restore.
 I will  just have to bite the bullet on licensing back payment.

I have the cb madness, as when i see one on the road, the guy gets pulled over by me... you WILL talk to me, lol.
So i'm in contact with about 6 guys with SOHC's ,  some in the process of restoration.
So i am busy organizing a kinda CB SOHC "SOCK" run about 2-3 times a year.

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2012, 04:00:13 AM »
It is a madness.  I went from one CB450 five years ago to my present repertoire of 12 vintage bikes-probably another 20 or so passed through my hands during the same time period.   Have fun...Larry

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2012, 09:35:54 AM »
if this is madness , i say bring it on:)

So brought the 359 home today cand did a cursory examination. She seems to be the most complete Cb i have ever had.
Dirty as hell, but you gotta love farm bikes... minimal rust.
 All the little bits n bobs that end up costing plenty are still there... even the stickers....
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So dirty...but a good buy. Next weekend i should have some more.
 Atm the carbs are sitting in a sink full of cleen green awaiting cleaning dissasembly.

Apparently, the towers that hold the pins ,that hold the floats in have broken on two of the carbs.
They are apparently lying in the carbs.

Can these be JB welded , or will the juice corrode it?


Offline Stev-o

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2012, 10:08:15 AM »
I bet it will clean up nice.  That has to be the biggest MC plate on the planet! Ironic that it reads car?
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2012, 03:56:01 PM »
That's a nice little 350F Thor, I've got a soft spot (between my ears, probably) for them, here's some pics of one I bought at a swap meet and restored back in 1996. Sorry about the quality of the first pic, I took it with a Polaroid, remember them? Cheers, Terry. ;D

I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2012, 04:20:54 PM »
Thor,  the chance of JB Weld holding up is somewhat slim, especially if your country uses the ethanol gas.  Here is  a forum thread;topicseen   ...Larry

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2012, 04:29:45 PM »
Thor,  the chance of JB Weld holding up is somewhat slim, especially if your country uses the ethanol gas.  Here is  a forum thread;topicseen   ...Larry

+1 on having jim micro weld them.  It might be a little more and take a little longer, but he can work miracles and you will be glad as time goes on.
1978 CB750k Green - 811 engine
1978 CB750k Blue - for sale
1974 CB375F Faded Black - had to have that 6th gear
1976 CB400F Red - in many pieces
1973 CB350F TBD - in many pieces

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2012, 03:21:30 AM »
So, i sent the link to this thread to a couple of mates, including the bike shop owner (him who hath all the parts ;)0.

And i got this back in reply.

he saw it many years ago , whilst out n about, and recognized the "car" number plate, dug through his files and sent me a pic he snapped.

its a small world....

Oh, and in other news... i left the 350 carbs sitting in a sink of cleen green for a day and took off the Float bowls.

The towers are not kaput. :D
As near as i can tell they are still all intact (the carbs are back in the sink, to get rid of pertol varnish) so if this is the case , then i have scored a lucky break (no pun).
The engine turns over and seems to have compression, so i will sort the carbs out, n hopefully give her a start this weekend.

it will possibly need a new head gasket... any ideas where to get?

« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 03:25:57 AM by Thunder »

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2012, 11:02:21 AM »
Hey Thor

We met a while on your CB750, me on the Suzuki GT750 Kettle.
I am busy with a CR750 project, probably up the road from you in Hout Bay.
We must get together.


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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2012, 12:12:58 AM »
G'Day Thor, you should be able to get what you need from David Silver Spares mate, they're my favorite shop for OEM parts, they list a complete gasket set for 43 English squids. Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2012, 05:59:01 AM »
Tx Terry, I should've checked there first...

Gavin!!! heya,  ;D
Yes! The immaculate kettle, defenatly  haven't forgotten.

I lost your number... or it could be that I've got it somewhere on my phone
but have labeled it some something clever and now cannot find it :o

I am so glad , won't you PM me you number? Dying to to meet up, and see your garage ;D

Btw, gotta about 6 local guys with Cb's... some ready to run, some not so much (me) ,allf whom are keen on a run.
You in?


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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2012, 03:00:49 PM »

Btw, gotta about 6 local guys with Cb's... some ready to run, some not so much (me) ,allf whom are keen on a run.
You in?

I guess you can add me to the 'not so much' clan...

Thanks for the great read, Thor.

PS I've seen pics of Gavin's collection on Wild Dogs. I'm sure between the two of you you're hoarding a substantial percentage of the Cape's vintage Jap!

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2012, 02:45:35 AM »

Btw, gotta about 6 local guys with Cb's... some ready to run, some not so much (me) ,allf whom are keen on a run.
You in?

I guess you can add me to the 'not so much' clan...

Thanks for the great read, Thor.

PS I've seen pics of Gavin's collection on Wild Dogs. I'm sure between the two of you you're hoarding a substantial percentage of the Cape's vintage Jap!

LOL, i wish.
I've seen Gavin's GT in the flesh and its positively put anything I've built to i have the fear his garage will either inspire or cause a deep depression.
(ps looking into getting one of these ultrasonic cleaners you linked me to, TX)

On track: The CB350 HAS got bust towers that hold the float pins.  Bugger.

I contacted a pratleys (adhesive company)
Dear Thorbjorn
Pratley Quickset Steel will be ok for both leaded or unleaded petrol.
Prepare surfaces by roughening with sand paper and cleaning with acetone/thinners before you adhere.
Mark Bell.

From: Thorbjorn Steen
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:21 PM

Hi, i looked on you webpage, and i thought you might be the best person to query in regard to Pratleys Steel.

I am busy restoring an old motorcycle, and the carburetors have aluminum "towers" (Cast so will ensure good adhesion) that hold the pins ,that hold the floats that regulate the fuel intake.
These have broken off.
It looks like someone has tried to repair them before with some type of epoxy. This failed, i think, causing the bike to be left for many years.

Would Pratleys Steel be the thing to use for this?
The guys i speak to on forums used to recommend JB weld, but have said with the ethanol content of fuel nowadays, the JB weld stuff goes soft.

Does Pratleys steel do this as well?
If so, is there another product you would recommend?

Thank you so much

 So i am going to try it and see how it holds up. I also phoned them and spoke to one of their "techies" who reckons the original "putty" would be best and will hold up just fine.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 02:48:15 AM by Thunder »

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2012, 12:02:14 PM »
Thor have you got the broken pieces of the float mounts?

Offline ratrap

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2012, 12:04:27 PM »
Tx Terry, I should've checked there first...

Gavin!!! heya,  ;D
Yes! The immaculate kettle, defenatly  haven't forgotten.

I lost your number... or it could be that I've got it somewhere on my phone
but have labeled it some something clever and now cannot find it :o

I am so glad , won't you PM me you number? Dying to to meet up, and see your garage ;D

Btw, gotta about 6 local guys with Cb's... some ready to run, some not so much (me) ,allf whom are keen on a run.
You in?


I PM'd you contact details.
I'm always in for an old bike ride!  ;D

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2012, 02:59:16 AM »
Hiya, been going a bit slow.
Managed to spray the tank with an airbrush, still needs some smoothing over, but i'm digging the color.

i took a picture of someones cafe build (apologies but i cannot remember where i got it , in and inspiration stack on the pc) and photo shopped my plans with it.

I am hoping to end up with something similar to this

Offline ratrap

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2012, 09:18:01 AM »

Btw, gotta about 6 local guys with Cb's... some ready to run, some not so much (me) ,allf whom are keen on a run.
You in?

I guess you can add me to the 'not so much' clan...

Thanks for the great read, Thor.

PS I've seen pics of Gavin's collection on Wild Dogs. I'm sure between the two of you you're hoarding a substantial percentage of the Cape's vintage Jap!

LOL, i wish.
I've seen Gavin's GT in the flesh and its positively put anything I've built to i have the fear his garage will either inspire or cause a deep depression.
(ps looking into getting one of these ultrasonic cleaners you linked me to, TX)

On track: The CB350 HAS got bust towers that hold the float pins.  Bugger.

I contacted a pratleys (adhesive company)
Dear Thorbjorn
Pratley Quickset Steel will be ok for both leaded or unleaded petrol.
Prepare surfaces by roughening with sand paper and cleaning with acetone/thinners before you adhere.
Mark Bell.

From: Thorbjorn Steen
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:21 PM

Hi, i looked on you webpage, and i thought you might be the best person to query in regard to Pratleys Steel.

I am busy restoring an old motorcycle, and the carburetors have aluminum "towers" (Cast so will ensure good adhesion) that hold the pins ,that hold the floats that regulate the fuel intake.
These have broken off.
It looks like someone has tried to repair them before with some type of epoxy. This failed, i think, causing the bike to be left for many years.

Would Pratleys Steel be the thing to use for this?
The guys i speak to on forums used to recommend JB weld, but have said with the ethanol content of fuel nowadays, the JB weld stuff goes soft.

Does Pratleys steel do this as well?
If so, is there another product you would recommend?

Thank you so much

 So i am going to try it and see how it holds up. I also phoned them and spoke to one of their "techies" who reckons the original "putty" would be best and will hold up just fine.

Offline Thunder

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Re: A multitude of sins
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2012, 01:18:08 PM »
Hiya all

Well everything was on hold for a while, as i was away in JHB doing a movie up there. I had production take the VTR there and i rode it back down to Cape Town when i finished ( - 2000km's) was a nice ride until i had a flat...god , these new bike tires are expensive...

Interesting thing tho, i took a car cellphone window mount, modified it so it could stick on the tank looking out  the windshield.
then i downloaded an app that allowed me to take timelapse photo's with my cellphone(one every 5 seconds), which i then put together at home

The phone was able to (as well as time-lapse) play music and gps and cellphone calls via blue-tooth into the helmet headphones, but it kills the battery so i hooked up a charging system as well.

Fo those who care:
Spliced pics together @12 FPS in AE , along with cheesy music and words...  :o
Camera/phone :Samsung Galaxy Note
App:Tina Time lapse
Skip the first 2 min or so as the resolution was crap, but i found i can take higher than HD @2048x1232 (which i crop at home).
The App also has fixed focus and white balance lock so the movie will have less light n dark jumping, as well as infinity focus.
Its long (20 min) but here it is, for those that are doing long trips and might wanna do the same.

So the whole time i am away... the heart grows fonder and my man cave eventually became this in my head.

[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by][/img]

Beautiful, until you arrive home and reality bites.

No cats will be swung here.
Enough waffling, to work. the 350 getting stripped.

Rust n cow doo doo all over it. A bend back end...

PS, i actually think it is cow sh... because after washing and scrubbing the stuff off the bike, my hands had a very "farm" smell to them for a few days... recommended whilst eating supper.

And a kaput triple clamp... which i will probably have to get welded, which i know is far from ideal.

Oh , and sometime dwhile propping up the tree the  350 acquired an ant colony.
I rekon there must have been about 10 000 dead ants (insert tune) there. Actually i was really worried as i tried to drain the oil and bugger all came out.

Only after i got the sump off did she release her guts...over the floor of my moms garage
(which incidently, is why ALL my bike's are now in my shed )

The sump was full of a lumpy oil and i was worried the PO had been riding though cow pats without a airbox, but no the sodden mass was the remains of the aforementioned ant colony.  Good news.

So i am hoping the bikes final days came to an end because of carb failure ( the float pins are broken) and the engine remains good.

lots more tommorrow.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 06:11:45 AM by Thunder »