Greetings from South Africa.
I'm writing this as a way to keep track of what i've actually done on Cb's these last few years,
and, perhaps in the process helping someone else.
First off , thank you to this site, the wealth of knowledge , friendliness and inspiration here has made getting the old girls on the road a breeze. (well the last parts a lie

, but it has made the "struggles" winnable.
When younger I had a couple of off-roaders, then a 50ccroad bike ,then a CX 500 (seized it) ,Cb550 Cafe Racer
(after the the actual period, but before the current craze) and a Cb 900f DOHC for about 12 years , but after having a particularly bad off (broken neck, skull arms , wrists etc) i gave up "biking"....
I got rid of a collection of assorted bike parts etc (I'm still kicking myself)... and got a car license.
Now those of you that have given up bikes for any length of time will know what i mean when i say there is a constant feeling of something being "missing".
I buggered around with kit cars and various other distractions, for about 10 years, but they just didn't "float the boat."
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/jIhjN.jpg[/img]The "projects" were cool but were sold as soon as they were finished.
So...with a bit of trepidation , i decided to get another one.
Now i had always been partial to the cb750, having found the engines clean lines and the 4 into 4 drop dead gorgeous.
And besides, i told myself , in a reasonable , adult tone of voice, you cant get into trouble on a 37 year old bike and how costly can all that old tech be...
But, i knew nothing about Cb's, and even more worryingly i hadn't found this forum.
So, in our local classified i found this...
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/kMYtK.jpg[/img]Spoke to the guy, and he gave the usual... "it's a collectors item, never had a days trouble, i think she still goes, just lost interest and parked it... Blah blah blah"
...and unbelievably he managed to insert the fact his father was a priest???
So...unbreakable Cb750 ,collectors item ,son of a preacher man... what could go wrong.
Got the bike to my mom's place (i live in a 3rd story flat) and started in on my bargain, getting it ready for roadworthy (MOT).
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/ZHNSg.jpg[/img]All the chrome was rusted, battery stuffed, seat rotton through, "holy" exhaust,mangy comstars, shoddy bodywork...
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/MBwaD.jpg[/img]and unbelievably she started with new oil, fuel and battery.Gotta love it.
Re-did some dodgy wiring, got it barley passable and got it licensed, but not before paying a shed load of back licensing fees... she was 7 years out of date ( cost me more than the purchase.)
Still wasn't entirely happy tho, she wasn't looking right.
To me the F has always looked a bit lost) in time...
So I decided to go the cafe route, all i was lacking was spares and knowledge.
Then i found you guys and was astounded at the love for these bikes... i was not alone.

To date i reckon I've spent hundreds of hours sitting here reading the forums...
So...a F into a cafe racer...easy peasy.
First off a tank from a K
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/Xm7b9.jpg[/img]Took an old RGV tank and cut the aircraft filler cap out ( I had always wanted i bike with one)
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/oqPEj.jpg[/img][img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/QDjIp.jpg[/img][img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/ifEjc.jpg[/img][img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/wpwVc.jpg[/img]Sin 1, for those questioning the title

So, not knowing how to braise ,and chuffed with my ingenuity , i
JB welded the filler cap in there.

Don't... but more on that later.
Brilliant. Now for a bum box.
I never liked the genuine sharp rounded traditional cafe tails, so i was constantly looking for aluminum shaped the way i wanted.
I got plenty of curious looks in lighting shops when measuring the width and angles of the various aluminum lampshades. (too thin BTW).
Now, although we have the interweb n stuff, i find it a huge task ordering stuff from overseas... besides our customs guys can NEVER give me an idea of what duties i will pay when the item lands... apparently it depends on on wind speed, temperature and when the official in question last got some.
So ordering, was out.
I know , I'll learn sculpting and mold making and fiberglass and polishing and sanding and primering and painting.

I got some hard foam (they use it for refrigeration insulation on shipping containers) , not dissimilar to the stuff for flower arranging.
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/1tqDj.jpg[/img]twas a bit big....
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/loY9Z.jpg[/img]Alot of whittling later and i had a pretty good (equal) shape i wanted , running kinda along the lines of the tank.
I then took wall / plaster filler , smeared it all over my rough foam shape and sanded til smooth.
Cool, template created.
The mould making was pretty straightforward, I just layed fibre glass over it and let dry.
(the lack of pictures indicate it was anything but

When it was dry, popping the mold off the template was a mission, but because the foam and plaster was softer than the fiberglass scraping it out of the mold wasn't difficult.
Then , because i was on a roll, I layed fiberglass in the new mold.
I didn't have a mould release agent to put in the mold, so i used wax car was polish.
I don't let realisim interfere with good or bad idea.
Hells bells , it actually worked.
Before the tailpiece was fully dry (hard but still curing) i wiggled it free from the mould and left to cure.
It was rough, but i reckoned with some sanding it would come right....
More on this later...
Another idea, which i haven't tried was:
I wanted nice aluminum side covers, so i thought whittling a template outta wood (solid), laying it in some semi-dry cement, removing it and letting the cement dry.
I would then place an aluminum sheet about 1mm thick over the cement and place my solid wooden side cover over the aluminum, which is over the created recess.
On top of this i would put a plank over which i would drive my car, forcing the wood into the ally, forcing it into the cement template.
I hope this kinda explains it...
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/x49Jb.jpg[/img]Oops, imagine the ally plate is between the wood template and cement recess (too lazy to go back into paint and remake it.)
(this was an idea got from watching old WW@ foortage of them pressing out GI helmets )
I am sure this idea has alot of holes in it , but if anybody had tried it i would love to hear how it turned out.
I presume the ally would fold in places, needing to be dremmeled /cut and welded.
Anyhow, Bike was stripped, and frame and bits n pieces were sent off for powder coating, the engine was polished and re-sprayed.
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/bLgRR.jpg[/img][img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/ejiL0.jpg[/img]Cellphone Pics are rubbish!
Now whilst this was fun and all, i still wasn't riding. Then i found this cheap....
[img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/kdJY5.jpg[/img][img width= height= alt=" title="Hosted by imgur.com]http://i.imgur.com/Bj3ug.jpg[/img]The guy clearly didn't read my "aluminum side cover creation" instructions.Fantastic, now i have something to ride whist the Cafe goes ahead.
Pissing oil from the head, MUCH heavier than standard "mag" wheels , a bad aerosol spray job, hammered sheetmetal for a front mudguard.
But she was on the road....