Yup 754, sooo true. They ask if they are identical a lot. My boy/girl twins are 9 now. I have a 7 year old too. When that 3rd one showed up, I got cut.
If you have multiples, you get discounts at a lot of places. Oh, and the doctors office will feel for you and give you more free formula. You will need it. It is really tough trying to breastfeed two kids.
We got home with the twins, hit the living room and we all finally moved to our bedrooms 3 months later. I was working 12 hour shifts, our each way (home/work), got 4 hours sleep a day, two at a time.
What a workout, still is, love em to death!
Oh, there are multiples clubs that the wife can join. They know where the good deals are and some of the larger cities will have used stuff sales that will help you along financially.
I can go on an on....Congrats on the twins!