Many of you know that I have mostly used the 550 as my main driver(s) since 1975.
Along the journey, 3 750s caught my gaze and curiosity and were added to my collection. They are all F models 2 -77s one with a K8 motor in it, and a 78.
None of the 750s were street-able when I got them. But, I did get them running to verify the motor units were good. I got them because I thought they might be a better long distance tourer than the 550's.
With so many bikes, pushing them around is often the case, particularly so as they don't all have their own battery. With all the pushing, it has become apparent that my 750's simply don't roll nearly as easily as the 550s. It's far more of a struggle to get the 750 in position.
Yes, the brakes are fully releasing. And, the tire pressures are up.
So my questions are:
Has anyone else noticed the increased effort to push around a 750 over a 550?
Why would the 750 be so much harder to move about than a 550? I didn't think they weighed THAT much more!
I don't notice the 750 handling on the road to be so much different under it's own power. Perhaps a bit more top heavy. But, they mostly have the same tires on both.
Any clues? What am I overlooking?