My next project, already waiting in the wings, is a "sweep the floor" bike. I'll be using parts that I already have and trying to slap together a bike going the least expensive route possible.
I have a 550 frame and forks, 500 engine/carbs, Lester mag wheels in 19" and 16" sizes.
I won't go big on bling, body work, paint, polishing, etc. I already have other bikes to choose from for handling, long distance riding, etc. This one will be for fun, profiling and hitting a few bike nights.
Here are a few bikes I'm using as inspiration.

That said, I'm about as over the fatty Firestones as anybody. I REALLY like the Garage Company bikes. They appear to be running Avon Speedmaster fronts and Avon or Goodyear rear tires in a "vintage style".
Here's my dilemma: I can get a set of new, modern style tires in 100/90-19 and 130/90-16, which should fit my Lesters just fine, for ~$120 shipped.

OR, I can get a Goodyear repro tire and ribbed front, also brand new, for about $165 shipped.

Like I said, if I plan on going out and tearing up the twisties and really laying it over (which I can't really do anyway), I have other bikes with the correct suspension and tires for that.
Going purely on aesthetics, would you spend the extra $45 for the old school look?