my son was talking with one of his buddies tonight and a girl they went to school with is a dominatrix well he was looking on her website and found out he works with one of her customers. so he's laughing him and the guy don't really get along so he keeps scrolling down on her page and finds out the guy he has been working with for the 2yrs is also a cross dresser. why in the hell would you post pics of yourself like son is freaking out he wants to tell his boss which is a very good friend of mine about it.i told him no he can't the guy is a a$$hole I've met him but man you can really ruin a person in this son was really thinking about telling the guys at i told him something i never said to him before that i was very proud of him that he was very kind and carring kid I'm glad the way he turned out in life he doesn't fight with people he is very kind hearted and very respectful with his elders all around a good person in general. but he bottom line is i guess a person needs to becareful on what you put or allow to be submitted on the internet because you never know who will see it. thats all i had to get that off my chest.