so the verdict for me is quite clear.....this CB750 does indeed benefit noticeably from the forkbrace, the difference is really obvious in the sweepers
Even though i already know this through my own experience, its great to have someone actually do this on the forum and post the results, it makes a huge difference and combined with a steering damper, allows these old bikes to be pushed quite hard, and YES, you do run out of clearance pretty quick. Thanks for posting your results.. good shocks will make it even better {runs away and hides} ....
I completely agree, good shocks would make a big difference, but on a (small) budget, the cheap Chinese shocks made a big difference in the "enjoyment level" and feel OK unless pushed somewhat hard when their wallow becomes annoying. I currently have an old pair of Koni shocks and I would venture to say that those are too harsh and I am able to go quicker on many sections of the local roads with these RFY Chinese shocks than with those old Konis (springs are a bit stiffer on Konis as well)
I have ridden this cb750 exclusively (a lot) the last couple of days. It is partly due to the fact that scraping is so much reduced, and now that the fork brace is back on, the front end feel is much better and I enjoy riding the bike more. I normally ride my old Husky 610 supermoto because it is so much fun to ride, and keep the other bikes "because I like them". I like them for many reasons, but their handling is almost never one of those reasons
I have a couple of steering dampers that I was going to try when I get a chance. There are a few places where I normally ride where I definitely feel one would be useful.