I know carb problem threads are a dime a dozen (but to be fair, carbs are a pain!), but I believe that's my problem now.
1976 750K, not 100% sure which carbs, I meant to check before I came to work...
Freshly rebuilt, head was off, new gaskets, o-rings, etc etc, valves are timed, ignition is decently timed, carbs are NOT synced yet...
The bike fires right up (thank the lord), it idles (which it did not do before), and revs up nicely! The problem is, it revs up pretty high within like a 15 degree twist of the throttle. Now this next symptom I'm not sure of, but when I was going to ride it around the driveway, it seemed like it bogged out pretty quickly when I actually put it in gear and tried to move it. So what the heck does that mean?
Thanks for the help!
(Seperately of this, I seem to be getting wheezing from around the sparkplug area (when I turn it over by hand, not when it's running)? What the heck? I noticed it before I took the thing apart, should I have lapped the valves? dagnabbit...)