So I got the bike running and have been enjoying riding it almost everyday. There are only a few things i dislike about the bike.
1: is the position of the pegs. I'm 6'3" tall and make the bike look small. I did find out that the passenger pegs are comfortable for me because they allow my knees and legs to tuck in. So i need to make a rear set that would allow me to use them or slightly lower as my pegs.
2: is that I seem to problems with one gear. Its not all the time but sometimes when I'm winding her out and go and hit 4th she skips it and don't into gear. I can hit the gear again and it goes into it. Not sure whats up but I'm also not that concerned.
So I have decided to do a cafe bike. FunJimmy's bike is an inspiration for me wanting to go in this direction. My major problem being money. I work a lot and im not afraid to wrench on it myself. I could use all the help I can get. Ideas, Parts locations, and tech are all welcomed.
My idea is to paint the frame orange and do a black and orange tank. I like the conversion to a r6 front end but its kinda pricy right now for me. I'm planning on doing some work on it this winter. Mostly new tires (need ideas), brake work, find a right side cover, 4 into 1 exhaust, fix the oil leak, new chain and maybe sprockets, carbs cleaned, and lastly change the ignition to a digital one. Any and all ideas welcomed.