Here are the specs of my top end courtesy of MRieck.
Head:Cycle X bronze guides
Cycle X OS (33.5) intake valves
Cycle X standard exhaust valves
Kibblewhite springs
OEM guide seals
OEM retainers
Serdi valve job
Head surfaced .004"
Cylinders:Cylinder decked .005"
Cylinders bored to .002" clearance
Wiseco 836 piston kit
So that leads me to jetting specs using the stock round top carbs. I am going to use the stock airbox with a K&N filter. I modified the back of the lower section of the airbox with three one inch hole. After all the recent discussions of a modified airbox I am thinking I might be better off just using one that isn't modified.
Here is how I set up my carbs. I think it should be a good starting point. Opinions GREATLY appreciated.
Floats set at 26mm
Needle clip set at one step below the middle clip
Main jets are 128
Air screws one turn out
Idle jet 40
Rebuilt and painted. New stacks.