Author Topic: cb500 power loss  (Read 1051 times)

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Offline guitarkev66

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cb500 power loss
« on: March 18, 2012, 03:25:04 PM »
I have a 1971 cb500 with 15,000 miles that has sat for almost 30 years.  I cleaned and rebuilt carbs, adjusted valves, set points and timing, replaced plugs.  The bikes tank was coated by the po sometime in the past.  The bike starts and idles very nice at about 800rpms . I have driven the bike on a few occasions for short trips and it ran okay but seemed to have a lack of power in the 3000 to 5000 rpm range.  At 5000 and up it seems to have regained power, but once the throttle falls beneath 5000 it feels like it wants to stall.  I got it home and re-checked the valves, carb sync, they were good.  The 1 and 4 plugs were black, 2 and 3 looked good.  It idles and starts real good.  There does seem to be allot of pressure in the gas tank after I run it, I can hear it when I shut the bike off.  I had a 1977 550 last year that ran great so I know what it should run like.  The problem seems to get worse the longer I ride. 
1970 K0 CB750 JDM Blue
1972 K2 cb750 Gold
1970 K0 cb750 Blue
1970 K0 cb750 gold
1970 K0 cb750 red
1971 K1 cb750 gold


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Re: cb500 power loss
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 04:35:03 PM »
far from an expert but will give a try at helping out. 1/4 look sooted/rich? check your points for arcing1/4 that is and maybe the condenser going bad. also bullet connectors for these points and at coils..weak spark?
you said you have alot of pressure in the tank? is the cap vent clear. ride it around with the cap popped fancy manuvers! see if it improves.

Offline guitarkev66

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Re: cb500 power loss
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 05:07:44 PM »
Thanks John, I will give that a try tomorrow and go from there.
1970 K0 CB750 JDM Blue
1972 K2 cb750 Gold
1970 K0 cb750 Blue
1970 K0 cb750 gold
1970 K0 cb750 red
1971 K1 cb750 gold