I have left my preview on for many years and had the occasional problem. But nothing with my laptop. This thing is locked up tighter than a pitbulls jaw.

Not boasting, as that is when you get nailed. I use Norton 2005 Internet Security/Anti-Virus, Lavasoft Add- aware personal,and the Microsoft anti spyware thingy. So far so good. Not infallible but works well.
Now the dark side:
Of course mine is also set to first record the attacking IP # (so I can chase down the hosting service later and tell them why their machines are dead and tell them they will need to use a service to recover the hard drive(s) without the boot sector to get back on line) and then kill a server if it attacks my machine. This essentially turns a server into a black screen even it is one of those huge IBM rack servers. And yes it sneaks right by complex Cisco routers and firewalls. To date nothing stops it and it is not available for research or purchase. It leaves no trace. This kills the boot sector of the attacking harddrive. And then turns off the wireless connection on my laptop and does a full scan and chase the dirty bugger down and get rid of it. When it is all done it gives me a confirmed IP# and confirmed kill along with server resolution names and who is registered to it. This is a script left over from my hacking days. I have been into systems I can not even type for obvious reasons. This makes it impossible for the server to restart. It does leave all the files intact, it just kills the boot sector info on the harddrive. This script is also capable of chasing down the source even if the IP# origin is being forwarded. This is done to make it look like a different IP#. Like a proxy number. Really pisses them off when you kill off a one Terabyte drive. Yes this is akin to a shotgun strung to the door behind it but it works well. To date I have only killed 10 servers. But I am 10 for 10. Yes there are hundreds of hours of work into this so my machine would not kill my ISP or other legitimate sites. I have never killed a server unintentionally yet.

To think, I can't get a job doing this.

There are days and nights I remember turning down a lost maiden at the door of my hotel room WITH BEER who has found the wrong address and was willing to PARTY while hacking the crap out of some server that was classified, oops did I say that? Ok I am a bit of a closet nerd. Funny things can happen when you can type 150WPM.

For those who are probably pissed off at me now. I have driven a truck into a small building hosting attacking servers. MAN THAT MADE A MESS.
For reference I do chase down hackers now. So I have come back from the dark side.

I have a vow to break the fingers of any hacker I encounter

Phishing is for idiots who do not understand just how servers and all the goods work. If you can not go at it raw on any server then they should pick a different hobby. For my next gag I might hack their server and make their server attack them when the attempt to access the control panel.
Knowledge is dangerous.