So Justin had zilla and was on his way to the Austin area.
Friday, April 6th:
The Dallas guys, Joe and Rick, made it to the Austin area by 1pm and I met them at the campground by 2. I've admired Joe's 550 since I saw it last year and chose to ride my 550 for the ride today.
We cruised the twisty roads around Lago Vista for a short while and stopped for a beer and a sandwich.
We then headed to West Austin to meet up with the Houston riders and when we pulled in to Smokey J's BBQ, Tom, Chris and Robin were there waiting on us! There were six of us at this point, although Chris was on his Ducati and Robin on her Kaw.

We talked for a bit and then it was time to ride. I chose one of my favorite roads in the area, infamous Lime Creek Road.
I lead the pack with Joe following closely behind. Not wanting to hold him up, I hammered on the throttle out of every turn we went through! Both our bike's motors are stock, except for the mufflers, and evenly matched in performance, proven earlier in the day on a rare straight road in Lago Vista.
After the 10 miles or so, this great road ended and we turned off. My throttle started feeling very odd and then the tube broke!

So, we all pull over and are mystified by this unusual break down. First suggestion was to leave the bike and go get a truck to pick it up. I really didn't like that idea and then thought I could turn the idle screw all the way up and hobble it back, worth a try I thought.
I was able to do it but the bike would slow to 35 mph on the uphills and soar to 70 going down!
Went back to the campground for some libations and then to Maria's Bar & Grill for some great margaritas and Tex Mex food. All in all, a great day!