I don't mind the questions at all, actually appreciate the interest. I managed to get info about the felt seals from the tech section. I got all, accept one, out without DAMAGE. I broke one, which I hope a small dob of glue might fix. If I rate how I feel about the paint job on the carbs 1 being very disappointed and 5 being very happy, I'd give it a 3 satisfied ( just). I have to remind myself that I'm a novice and quality of work that I'd like is beyond my current experience and abilities. I made some noob errors in the painting process, got some runs and shouldn't have heat cured between coats, as I put the second coat onto a heated surface and stuffed up the finish. I could have tried another coat, but felt that the way I've been going, I'd probably make them worse. I used VHT high temp paint which is chemical, oil and gas resistant, hopefully that covers fuel. My plans with the engine is basically black with polished side covers, breather cover, valve tappet covers and head side covers. I may look at taking the paint off the fin edges as well. I've got the chrome starter motor cover and points cover also. I'll run the 4into4 original pipes to start with, but hope to make some of my own down the track.