Wow, thanks for all the replys.............were to start
I do not have a "dummy" light.
What's wrong with 10psi?! I don''t see what your idle rpm is set to? Mine would idle at 600 or less with a good cam even. Raise your idle some.
@ idle which is currently 1000rpm I have 5lbs pressure. I just assembled my head back together after bending some vavles. I wanted to contact you jerry before assembling cause I had this problem before I bent them. Time was pressing though.
Seems like that little o ring behind the countershaft bearing holder
can allow some pressure loss if it's too old and hard? Thought I read that somewhere here?...
Yes that's one of HondaMan's Tips and Tricks. As you say, It gets old and hard, and shrinks and allows oil pressure to leak out.
Not sure where this bearing is. Pic would relly help. However, as I just stated to Jerry I just re-assembled my entire head including new piston rings all seals and O-rings.
O.k Boys,
I have an external oil pressure gauge (which I had tested and is accurate to 5lbs) and am running 20W 50. I have removed my oil pump and replaced all O-rings as per Hondaman's recommendation. Helped out oil pressure while revving! While the pump was out I also checked all clearances and pump is within spec. However, when she is warm and idling it drops down to 5 - 10 lbs. I believe it should be at 20. WTF?
Any suggestions?
Did you also replace the seal on the shaft of the pump, in between the 2 rotors? If old, this will leak pressure from the high-pressure side to the lower pressure scavenge side, especially at idle when the flows are lower.
Hondaman. I cannot remember, but I am going to remove my pump again and re-check ALL clearances. I will have a double look at this seal again. Thanks for the help before and now.
Anyone know what a parameters of the spring on the oil filter are suppose to be?
Thanks to everyone thus far. I will keep you posted.