1974 CB750 with around 10,000 miles because it just sits most of the time. I do put a few miles on it every year.
Superbike bars, Dyna ignition, "Ram Flow" exhaust, cheap tires, otherwise stock. A couple shallow dents in the tack and the left side engine cover is scraped up from my old man falling down on it 20 years ago. It looks good just needs an owner that likes these old Honda's.
Maybe I just don't have the time and tools needed to get the old girl going.
One of the float valves is sticking but I don't know why, the thing is clean and works well when it's apart.
I've got an oil leak from the pan I just replaced (because I hamfisted the wax-soft drain bolt), I'm always afraid of stripping Aluminum so I likely didn't tighten the bolts up enough.
The battery is dead, that will teach me to go El Cheapo again...
I've totally cleaned the carbs inside and out. It will start and run but not well. I have another bike project and two other new bikes that run so this one isn't really a priority I guess. Should I sell it whole or part it on Ebay?
Thanks guys.