I think that Techno has a 750 v SohRon's 500? The brake pedal pivot arm goes IN FRONT of the swingarm tube on the 750. Looks like its behind on the 500.
Anyway, Techno, back it up. How much of the brake did you have off? Did you remove the pedal and the pivot arm that pulls the actuator rod?
Tecno: on that arm in your picture, there is an index dot that lines up with a dot on the cam with the splines the arm is pushed onto. Foolproof. BUT, if your shoes are really worn, you'll need to fudgeit and turn the arm back on the cam. This isn't cricket and hard to do because of the splines. Maybe a PO did this to you, and you didn't notice when you disassembled?
I had to grind some splines off mine. I'd had the shoes "radiused" by RaceTech and they removed so much material that's the only way i could get it to engage in the proper range.