Hi all, sorry i have not updated this thread for a while, this is not because I have been to lazy to do so. but because I have hardly made any progress that is worth posting :S
As mentioned in my previous post, I have received pretty much all of the parts that I require re re-building the bottom end of the engine. I cannot start the re-build until I have got ris of all the old gaskets from the engine casings, which is not as easy / nicer job as I had hoped

The gaskets are in the same state as the rest of the motor was and im guessing they have never been replaced. I have read a few tips / tricks to speed up / make removing old gaskets easier, however I decided to just play it safe and slowly keep at it with regular breaks to not risk damaging any of the surfaces etc .... im making (although v-slow) progress

This is the last gasket I have to get rid of:

In the meantime (between gasket fighting) I have managed to start working on some more cosmetic jobs, including sourcing an older (SOHC) tank which I managed to get from Sayonara Cycles (
www.sayonara-cycles.de) who have some nice bikes - have a look.

The next step for the tank, is to try and get it to fit on my later (DOHC) frame - this will require some fabrication, although (I think/hope) will look good when its done - I love the look / old school style of the older CB tanks... if it does not work, I will have to go back to using the prigional tank and re-think my plans / ideas.
I also managed to get access to a welding machine and finally got my seat unit braket welded up to the frame:

There is a long metal piece (Dowel

) tightly fitted through the middle of the seat bracket and frame and then all welded up, so it is very strong

I am quite pleased with the result, and hope it looks good once I have (tried) made a custom seat to fit.
Thats about all I have so far... I hope to be finished with the gaskets this week depending on time, give the motor a final cleaning in the parts wash, and get started on the bottom end re-build again.