Managed to get back in the garage this week
Its been a long time since my last update, and I have (sadly) not made much progress on my CB project. Winter arrived, baby arrived leaving me no time or chance to get in the garage and get things done, and now winter is on its way again

I currently don't have any electricity in my garage therefore the winter prevents a lot of progress, not because of the cold but because of the light

Anyway a small update of some of the things I have managed to get done:
I managed to clear some more space (that does not exist) and got the donor bike I bought into the garage:

And drained the oil from it:

Although also a mess, the donor bike is generally in considerably better shape than my project bike, with no parts missing and all parts in the right places (ish) ... Thoughts had even crossed my mind to dump mine and move onto this, although then I got a hold of myself and decided to stick to my guns

although, im sure I will be steeling a lot of parts from this bike, including wheels, suspension (to rebuild), foot rests, yokes - in fact pretty much all external (unbolt-able parts) as they are all better than mine !
I also took delivery of a new "hebebuehne" (ramp) for my project which should help (a lot) during the rebuild !!!

I took the original tank that came with my project bike to see if it was any good / worth selling only to find out that it was full of filler and justify my thoughts that my bike is a complete nail that has been thrown up and down the road too often:

If anyone whats this tank - it is free to a good home ! otherwise its going in the bin.
I spent a day working on some ideas for the backend (rear mud-guard, seat, number plate holder, lights etc...) but come up with nothing I liked, that was "clean" enough:

Apart from checking condition of parts and ordering new ones that I had not got much more done. On a none related note, I took a trip back to the UK and picked up a new toy to enable a few trips next year:

saw this on the way down, I heard it dragging and scratching along the road before I saw it

its pb the lowest legal (apparently) car ive seen on the road:

Waiting for the ferry I met with a Vespa group and there crazy little scooters

On the ferry:

And 1000+ (sore) miles later back in Germany