I just got back from the 2 week trip to Spain and Portugal. The first day we landed in Madrid and were exploring the Plaza Del Sol barrio and when I see a shiny gold piece in a pile of lead coins! I very nice early 70's CB550K in Candy Gold. This thing looked like a perfect resto or had been stored in a museum all it's life. I left a note tucked under the seat strap complimenting the quality bike along with the SOHC4 forum site and my member name. My biggest question is how does this guy ride this super nice bike amongst all this chaos without worrying about someone wrecking into him. If anybody has ever been to a large European city you know what I'm talking about. The roads are narrow and the drivers are insane. It's kind of a controlled chaos but chaos none the less.
the unfortunate thing; I shot some nice pics of the bike but on the AVE train to Seville I was messing around with my camera and accidentally reformatted my flash drive. Which means I lost all my pics of our first day in Spain! Stupid me.
Anyway I hope the guy is a member here or finds his way to our board, like I said his bike is super nice and is a perfect example of a classic SOHC4.
BTW I also wonder how much Vespa scooters were to buy over there, they seem to be a dime a dozen. Most are rode hard and put away wet but some are nice and well kept. Just wondering because they seem a tad over priced here in the states because they aren't so common. My wife wants a scooter now since we got back