I know the fornt master cylinders have a tiny back bleed hole that when plugged causes the brakes to stay on. I'm sure the rear master has the same sort of bleed hole. i'm sure someone who has repaired one will chime in soon.
yup. Almost for sure its the return hole in the master cylinder. When pressing on the pedal, you push fluid out of the reservoir to activate the pucks closing down on the disc. When you releasethe pedal, the pucks retract by various means, but only if they can displace that fluid back to reservoir. If the return hole is plugged, that fluid cannot return and the brake stays activated, sometimes, usually, locked up. If this happens you can gt the 10mm wrench out of your tool kit, loosen the bleeder valve to release the pressure. Then ride home without touching the rear brake.
You may have dislodged the plug when you bled the brake. It may stay that way or not. In a closed system you may wonder whats clogging that hole? Could be the inside lining of your hose is coming apart from age.
AS to safety, well if it locks up you come to a halt. That could be good or bad.
If you have dislodged the plug, I would run a quart of brake fluid thru it to make sure its washed clean. You can't really chase it any other way.
If it plugs again and stays that way, you remove the MC and go after it with a thin wire i the hole.