The worst has happened!

The mechanic working on my bike after starting it up heard a clacking noise coming from the case. After dropping the oil pan he found some metal shavings, some steel, some aluminum. I'll go and listen to it tomorrow and if it sounds the same then all along I was thinking it was a noisy cam chain when in fact it could have been a worn rod bearing.
I'm so bummed I can't even express it. I just put hundreds of dollars into it. New steering head bearings, new tires, new fork seals, clutches and clutch cable, carb rebuild, carb boots, starter motor, spark plugs and caps, etc. All of it was gearing up to go on a long cruise with my brother and now I'll have an expensive brick sitting in my garage

I'll try and take some video of it running tomorrow and perhaps you guys can help me diagnose it. If it's truly a goner engine should I look for a used one or get ambitious and open up the whole engine and rebuild? I always planned on going to 836 and getting some head work done on it. I'm pretty broke now so it all seems so far off.