In Spain the DMV run the vehicle register file. It is a public file, in the meaning that anybody can go there with a plate number, and for a small fee, get the actual status of the vehicle -owner, lieu, etc-. The idea is to help prospective buyers to know the status of the vehicle, much like you would do before buying a house or land.
Actually, I have used that data to track down previous owners of my bikes, and using the yellow pages, contacted them to ask them about the bikes. I even invited one of them to come over and take a ride on it, which we did -think I posted about it here-.
I know I didn't do anything illegal, because all the information came from legal sources, and being my intentions good, that people could simply hang off the phone when I called. Actually, it takes some seconds to let them understand what is going on, because when an stranger phones you, usually it is to sell you something, so when they get the phone, they are usually in "defense mode" until you explain who you are and why you are calling-.
I don't mind saying in my internet profiles from where I am, but I don't need to specify my address. My address is an information completely redundant. And if I post pictures of my bike, my bike tag is also redundant. It gives no special information about the bike, and not being of any help, even when the chances are slight, it could lend somebody to track me down and steal it from me. Paranoia? I don't think so, it is simply cheap insurance. I'm not paranoid about my bike, but why giving redundant information that doesn't help anybody, but could harm you?
If I post pictures of somebody else's vehicle, I also pixelize the tags. I know I won't get into any legal trouble doing it, because tags are public, and you can photograph anything on the streets, but it is simply that if I post somebody else's vehicle it is not for the tag, so no need to publish that. I have the personal address of people from this forum. Do I need to make it public? Obviously not, it doesn't give any interesting information.
I guess the reason is the same that had Google StreetView pixelize faces and tags. They are redundant information, the application purpose is to show streets, and the people and vehicles in the streets are just redundant information. Why showing them? You won't help anybody and will piss many people off, so on with the pixelizer!
I think it is not paranoia, it is just internet manners, Internet is relatively new and we need to enact some "social manners" on it when it comes to others.