Ok, so I just wrote this long message about fashioning a thin filter inside the stack so to keep all junk out of the carbs... Then the whole concept of the stack came to me... Isn't the purpose of the velocity stack to pull in as much air as possible, and if you put a filter on the stack you might as well be putting a pod filter on it? I could see how a foam filter would be one step past pod filter... Does it then just come down to presentation? Because a pod filter verses a V stack with a hidden filter inside, I’d put the stack on because I just looks tough as hell.
And another thing just to get the conversation started, what do you all think about this.
http://www.cyclexchange.net/Carb%20System%20Comp%20Page.htmWhat is the benefit to going 2 carbs into 4 wholes?
I understand that theses are different carbs then on my bike and are probably jetted and tuned way differently, but would this system give you more then four carbs?
Any way that’s my thoughts for the night,