Author Topic: CB550 Carb's to Air Chamber - reassembly help  (Read 1843 times)

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Offline MarkM

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CB550 Carb's to Air Chamber - reassembly help
« on: April 08, 2012, 04:31:26 PM »
Anyone know of a previous post or willing to assist me with any suggestions on how to get the carb's back on the bike and hooked up to the air chamber?  Starting to feel like a chicken or the egg deal to me.  Currently the intake manilfolds with carb insulators are attached to the head.  The carbs are on the bench next to the air chamber and the air cleaner case is in the frame loose and not bolted. 

Here's what I've tried:  Putting the carb's back onto the manifold first, then there's not enough space to slide the air chamber back into place.  Then, I tried putting the air chamber in first and there's not enough room to slide the carb's between the manifold insulators and the air chamber boots. 

Beginning to wonder if I shouldn't work from the back of the bike forward as its about the only thing I haven't tried.  This would be, remove the carb insulators from the intake manifolds and put them on the carb's.  Then hook the carbs to the air chamber and try to slide this "assembly" into place.  Have a funny feeling though that this will end up the same many things trying to occupy the same the same time. 

Am I overlooking something here?  Any help here guys would be greatly appreciated!

Offline LesterPiglet

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Re: CB550 Carb's to Air Chamber - reassembly help
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2012, 04:36:52 PM »
'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings. Same with 'of' and 'have'. Set and sit. There, their and they're. Draw and drawer. Could care less/couldn't care less. Bought/brought FFS.

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Re: CB550 Carb's to Air Chamber - reassembly help
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2012, 04:43:51 PM »
Have you tried this? It might help. From the FAQs:

Remove completely the band clamps for the rear rubber couplers on the carbs. 
Loosen the band clamps for the front rubber couplers only on the carb end. 
The air filter box frame mounting bolts must be removed so the filter and air box can move rearward about 1/2 inch or so.
Remove throttle cables, disconnect bottom hoses and fuel line.
Disconnect engine breather hose and move it out of the way.
Work the rear rubber couplers off the carbs at the rear. 
Fold the bottom of them in on itself so the rear of the carbs may move down.
Twist the carb bank down in the rear and pull them back out of the front rubber couplers simultaneously.  The rear couplers will crush some with the band clamps gone.
Once the carbs are out of the front couplers work the bank sideways out the left side of the bike mashing the rear couplers out of the way as needed. The rear rubber couplers are thin wall, more compliant, and flop around way more than the front ones.  With them yielding, and the 1/2 to 3/4 inch gain from moving the air and filterbox rearward, you get just enough room the get the carb bank out.

Going back in is pretty much the reverse.  Using a wedge or tying the air plenum and filter box rearward eases installation.  Leave those rear band clamps completely off the bike.  Push the carb bank in from the left side and work them across,  almost ignoring the rear rubber couplers until the carbs are aligned with the front couplers.  Then wiggle them home into the front rubber couplers.
I use a dull pointed "L" shaped scriber to guide the rear rubber couplers onto the rear carb throat nipples in the same fashion tires are mounted onto rims.
Push the air/filter box forward and reinstall all the band clamps on front and rear of carbs.
Reinstall filterbox fame mount bolts.
Reinstall hoses.
Reinstall throttle cables.
Bandage knuckles. 
1977 CB550F

Offline MarkM

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Re: CB550 Carb's to Air Chamber - reassembly help
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2012, 05:51:29 PM »
Great info guys. Thanks for the help.  Will give these a shot!


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Re: CB550 Carb's to Air Chamber - reassembly help
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2012, 05:58:49 PM »
if you can get the clubs main page to come up go to the tech tips and there is a good step by step instruction for the 500/550 card removal/reinstall. i used it and worked well. a little vasoline one the intake boots helped alot too.

Offline brianzenk

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Re: CB550 Carb's to Air Chamber - reassembly help
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2012, 08:05:23 PM »
There are several ways to reinstall the air chamber boots to the carburetor. One trick to putting
the boots on is from the inside of the air chamber to the carburetor by reaching through
the air filter hole in the back of the chamber and  popping the boot through from the inside.
It helps to have small hands with long fingers.
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