Ha ha, I can't hear U2 without thinking of this story. It didn't happen,
but it could have.Bono, the lead singer of the band U2 is famous throughout the entertainment industry for being more than just a little self-righteous.
While playing a U2 concert in Glasgow, Scotland, Bono asked the audience for total silence, and to light the small candle each concert goer was given at the gate.
In that outdoor venue, illuminated by the soft, gentle and flickering light of tens of thousands small candles and in total silence, Bono slowly started to clap his hands.
Every few seconds, Bono would clap his hands.
As the large audience listened in total silence, Bono put his lips to the microphone and whispered breathlessly: “Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies.”
From the silence, emerged a strong and steady broad Scottish accent that bellowed:
“Well then, quit clapping your hands, ya evil bastard!”
I can't say Los Lobos is the American equivalent of U2 because I think Los Lobos is better. All a matter of preference. Turn it up -
Los Lobos - Tin Can Trust [live]