Author Topic: top end questions  (Read 588 times)

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Offline famoussas1

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top end questions
« on: April 14, 2012, 08:20:53 PM »
Got a ton of questions, getting some answered by searching forum, but search isnt working now so I figured I would ask.  Going to buy a HF compression tester tomorrow to check compression in cylinders.   Bike is burning oil, prob. need new rings based on what everyone has said.  I guess I am just trying to compile a list of what I will need if in fact I need to hone or bore and install new rings...and so I can collect everything and know my budget.  Some have said get pistons, some have said rings, gaskets, etc.  I know I will not know until I have head off and can visually check everything I'm just curious as to which rings I will need (stock dimensions), and should I go for Honda or an aftermarket brand that is decent.  Oh yeah, 74 550...I kind of want to try and do this in a weekend or over a week or so, want to be able to ride for the season, however part of me thinks I should just wait til late fall when it is cold and the season is over. 

Is HF tester ok, Ive read the different ways to test. Even looked at some of the product manuals on HF...says to attach adapter onto cylinder, disconnect coils?  Is that correct?  Then I read on the forum to keep throttle wide open with choke in run position?  I've never done this before, guess a got a whole lot of questions :o

Offline CBR750RR

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Re: top end questions
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 08:30:31 PM »
Its pretty easy, remove spark wire, remove plug, attach one end into the threads, the other end has the gauge, you can do it with carbs off or on if they are on then WOT and crank the engine about 5 times over, take reading on gauge and repeat for next one etc. YOu are looking for consistency across more then high numbers.

Offline cmonSTART

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Re: top end questions
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2012, 05:34:56 AM »
Personally I would get something a bit better than a HF gauge.  When I hear of or see a gauge giving erroneously low readings it's usually a cheap gauge.  Even just a Craftsman gauge is affordable and should be accurate. 

I'm not saying the HF gauge won't work, just more likely to be a problem. 
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