"I've yet to install my cam wrong, I dunno"
That's because there is no wrong.
Take all the care in the world to install one the "right way", take copious notes and dozens of photographs on disassembly. Match everything when you reassemble, so you are 100% certain the cam is in "the same way".
Now turn the crank one full time.
Since it was assembled perfectly, it must still be perfect.
The cam will now be "180 degrees out". The way you spent lots of effort avoiding.
There is no difference. If you have to rewire the coils, you had the coils wired wrong. The cam orientation is not to blame. When you have the crank at 1-4T (corrected, too much beer) and the cam mark correct - the cam timing is set properly. You can flip the cam 180 degrees or turn the crank 360 degrees and it does not change anything.