It may not help much, but do all you can to keep your bike. Losing one sucks big time. My last bike was locked safely (I thought) in my garage, I was in the process of moving across town. While I was at the new house unloading, someone backed a truck up my driveway, kicked the back door in, opened the big door and loaded it up. Neighbors thought it was someone helping me move, but it was someone helping themselves. The real #$%* is I had just finished restoring it and was waiting for spring to re-insure and ride it. I did eventually find out where it went... after about 5 or 6 months of giving the hard eyeball to every similar bike I'd see (I was really hoping some dumb kid had it and would start riding it around as soon as they thought it had cooled off...) I met a guy at a local dealers, his bike was a year older than mine, but his was wearing my freshly restored and painted tank and side covers! Identification was positive, it was an odd color and had one run that I never sanded out because it didn't show. He was very apologetic and offered me my parts back, but he had a recent recipt from the local bike salvage yard (who I found out that day was a known chop shop) so I figured it was too late to find the rest of my bike and quit watching for it. Turned the info over to the local cops who did NOTHING. The loss of that bike has been gnawing at my gut ever since.