Not really a photo critique but I had some composition lessons and did a bunch of photo stuff since I was 12. Had slr's by zeiss (leaf shutter!), pentax, GAF, zenit or some ru thing, canons, minolta and I think I have a nikormat around. Won awards when I was in Highschool. I have 8 rolls Fuji 200 in the freezer for the last 5 years unused.
I'm Still better at burning in with an enlarger than new photoshop, but hardly do either anymore. Most of my photography is now done with point and shoots that you can hide in your fist and cost under $10 at Walgreens.
That being said, I would say the good thing in the photos above is the rail that takes your eye back into the photo. I would say a better composition would be to use a tree closer foreground to frame the right side of the photo, and a branch across the top, like 30 yards back there.
The first "don't" I can recall shooting is avoid having things sticking out behind your subjects heads. Things like phone poles sticking up out of people's heads to consider as bad composition.
Really the best place to study composition is probably an art history book.