Looks like a normal install to me.
I spoke with the Dyna guy day before yesterday as I was installing my Dyna 2000 ignition. Bikers gotta chat a bit, eh! We talked about my previous use of the Dyna III and the 3 ohm coils and the excess power consumption. He said it is NOT the Dyna III contributing to this but it IS the 3 ohm coils that are the culprit. Reason I mention this is the picture with the Hondaman resistor installed neatly. The Dyna guy is sending me a resistor (1.4ohm) he had laying around to install. Pretty nice freebie gesture especially considering I have a Hondaman resistor I have not installed yet. So for any doubters out there why not get one of Hondaman's resistors and cut back on the power consumption if you're having that dying battery effect?! On that note, I've had my Dyna 3 ohm coils on since 1983 and it has had no effect on my kill switch.