Hey Greg, at least you're not skirting the ice storms this year, right? I wouldn't be able to get on the road until next Thursday/Friday, so if that gives time to reach people who've been out of touch then I'm still game. It doesn't hurt me any to continue prepping as if I'd be riding up there, even if you end up taking off this weekend.
I've been wanting to ride Wash/Ore for a while now, and this has got to be a great time of year to do it. California has it's share of forests, lakes, mountains and coast, but we also have more than our share of people in cars, so every destination is crammed full of traffic on weekends. Would be nice to get out in the back woods a bit.
Last year I was really surprised at the lack of riders willing to commit from Los Angeles area, it being such a large population area with long time members and such. It took a new member, Mooshie, to pick up the baton, and she represented again this year. Maybe we need to get on a recruitment drive in Washington and Oregon to see if any riders exist amongst the weekend enthusiasts and commuters. Yes, that was a jab, don't make me come up there