I just became a great grandfather today.
5 children, 8 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. I must get this bike on the road and sow some more oats. 
Darwin prefers you over me for certain reasons, perhaps.
Any of my offspring could not have done my grandchildren yet, possibly there would be.
A friend of mine got married very shortly after I left town in the mid/late eighties.
I remember her saying 'pull out' a little late and I always liked the idea of another Junior like me. He'd be about 25 now, maybe I should look him up and see if he's rich...

and so he can find his "real" DAD" on Oprah. Perhaps he exists(?)(!).
Maybe he would embrace the SOHC and 450 junk in the back yard and take it into the third generation as either a machinist or a doctor who pays a machinist/mechanic.
One can only thank that now that the court sh8 and potential child support
could have happened..... is just speculation of a number iii.