Author Topic: I miss my CB550 :(  (Read 652 times)

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Offline VoodooChild

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I miss my CB550 :(
« on: April 27, 2012, 07:52:33 PM »
So, I gave in after watching my bike sit around looking sad since last summer and bought a new bike. I've still got the CB, but it needs work, so I wanted to take it completely out of commission and do things right. Since I couldn't live without having a bike, I bought a 2011...250 Ninja.

I'm almost embarrassed, but I have to say its not a bad little bike, and a big selling point was the awesome gas mileage. It turns a lot of heads and I get a lot of compliments, but it's just not the same. I want that old school, I did this myself flare. It's like I bought a corvette and parked my shoebox ford in the garage. Don't get me wrong, I like the Ninja, but it's just lacking the soul of the CB. I can't wait to get the old beast all sorted and polished. Someday...

Offline Stev-o

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Re: I miss my CB550 :(
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2012, 08:05:55 PM »
I can kinda relate. A couple years back, sold my 550F, thinking my 750's would keep me happy.  I really missed the 550 though, the lighter weight bike for riding around the hood, very nimble in the twisties. Yes, the 750's are faster but just wasn't the same.
So, bought another 550! I suggest you do the same.
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline DavePhipps

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Re: I miss my CB550 :(
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 08:07:41 PM »
Just start with a parts list and start collecting them. while it's down you can start polishing little bits. Shiny parts can really get one motivated.
My son is going to be spending some time at Gibault so be on the lookout for a black 72 CB500 with stainless brake line and piggyback shocks,and give a wave.
Also 250 ninjas are awesome especially at about 12-13k rpm!
90 FZR600 RA
74 CB550k
78 GL1000
72 CB500K

Offline VoodooChild

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Re: I miss my CB550 :(
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 10:55:41 AM »
Will do. I pass Gibault just about every day on my way to work. Also, I live on 46 so there's a chance I'll see you at some point.

My big plan for the bike is to more or less make a new bike of it. A big holdup has been my suspicions about the frame/front end. Things don't totally line up, which could just be the forks, but I'm concerned that the bike might have been dropped. The PO got crazy with the grinder when they cafe'd it and cut off just about every tab of any sort off, some of which I'd like to have back, so I might just get a new frame. I'm also considering hooking it up with a modern front end. I believe it's the R1 that is almost a perfect bolt-on, correct?

As for running the ninja that high in the RPMs...I might if I have an extra quart of oil handy. lol It's a fun bike, but gutless compared to pretty much everything I've ever ridden. It'll be my fiancée's when I eventually get a Triumph Daytona or maybe after the CB is done. Of course, it could be a while for either. haha