So, I gave in after watching my bike sit around looking sad since last summer and bought a new bike. I've still got the CB, but it needs work, so I wanted to take it completely out of commission and do things right. Since I couldn't live without having a bike, I bought a 2011...250 Ninja.
I'm almost embarrassed, but I have to say its not a bad little bike, and a big selling point was the awesome gas mileage. It turns a lot of heads and I get a lot of compliments, but it's just not the same. I want that old school, I did this myself flare. It's like I bought a corvette and parked my shoebox ford in the garage. Don't get me wrong, I like the Ninja, but it's just lacking the soul of the CB. I can't wait to get the old beast all sorted and polished. Someday...