Those flat BMW boxer engines are almost vibration free and run so well for so long you can forget the engine and just take in the scenery..and the nut drivers crossing the double yellow line;they handle great also ! Those cylinders keep your feet warm in the winter too.If you need a little more power..why not try fitting a Porshe engine in it ?
Thanks mate, this is my second one, and so far, my favorite. My first one, a 1979 model, was knackered when I got it, and (including the original purchase price, an engine and gearbox rebuild and later model forks and brakes installed) cost me 12K, and was still a POS.
It rattled, it vibrated, it wouldn't accept anything but 98 RON gas, the electrics were screwed, the brakes were crap, you name it, it was worse that my old Bevel drive Ducati 900SS. I kept it for 12 years and sold it for $4K to a guy who fell in love with it, and if he's still got it 8 years on, he's probably legally insane by now, it was definitely built on a Friday.
By contrast, this one (a 1980 model and virtually identical to my old one, apart from paint color) is sweet, the engine is quiet and super smooth, the brakes work (well, to be fair I just installed a new M/C rebuild kit) and it doesn't seem to care what fuel I tip into it, and all for less than $2K so far. (I say "so far" as I intend to do some more "restification" as funds allow) Life is good. Sorry for the thread jack Hushy! Cheers, Terry.