Author Topic: V65 Sabre info-Worth reviving?  (Read 13858 times)

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Offline KeithB

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Re: V65 Sabre info-Worth reviving?
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2014, 07:17:39 AM »
Thanks for your responses guys.  I'm still torn about getting it.  I lean yes then no then yes about 5 times a day.

I think I have to spend enough time with it to inspect the cams.  If they are bad, I'm not buying it.  At least not for $500 bucks for sure.
I really like the hondaline fairing, but I'm uncertain about repairing the left lower as part appear to be unobtainium.  Seems like everything else on it is just routine servicing.

My problem is that I always see the bike the way it can be, even though I know what isn't right with it right now, if you know what I mean.

If I do get it, I'll have to put that oiling kit on it, for sure.

Since 1975, I've never driven any bike home.  They've all been essentially basket cases or bikes that were given up on by their owners.
I usually enjoy the resurrection process more than riding the bikes.  The puzzle of a different machine intrigues me.  And curring the ills that other couldn't or wouldn't do to it.

I am concerned about the statement that they are unpleasant to work on.  If you could give an example, I'd appreciate it.

Do you suppose I'd be happier with an ST1100 project?

Best regards,

I have had both.
The 1985 V65 cams failed (very common) but once replaced and the oiling mod done, all good.
The ST1100 is by far a better, smoother and great long distance bike compared to the V65.
I went from the V65 to the ST1100 and din't miss the Sabre one bit.
Given my experience, I would suggest the ST1100.
Nanahan Man

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Re: V65 Sabre info-Worth reviving?
« Reply #51 on: June 13, 2014, 04:28:58 AM »
If the choice of touring machines is between a sabre and an ST, go with the ST. If the choice is between a sabre and a 1st gen GL, I'm staying with the Sabre.

Every bike has its good points and bad. Once you update a couple things the V4 is a very reliable bike. I do my own maintenance and I've never had a problem that ended a ride.

When the time comes to move on to a different style of bike, I'm getting a new/newer GL.

All that really matters is that you're happy with what you have. I'm still waiting on my FNL to give up his CB750. He's not ridden it in 4-5 years but he still has current tags and insurance on it so he still has hope to ride again. Unfortunately his Parkinson's is getting worse.
'78 CB750K
An assortment of Hondas, mostly V4s

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Re: V65 Sabre info-Worth reviving?
« Reply #52 on: June 18, 2014, 12:25:14 PM »
My father has advanced Parkinson's. That's how I got back into motorcycling after a very long (20 year) gap. He finally realized that riding wasn't something he could do any more in 2006 and I bought his 2002 Royal Enfield that he had bought new in 2004. I think it had less than 1,000 miles on it.
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