The past couple weeks have been pret busy. No time for working on my Honda because I was preparing for a nice 5 day trip through the Canadian Rockies on my other bike. The trip was a load of fun and I rode some of the best roads that I've ever been on. Here's a few pics and then we'll get right back into the rebuild...
Now that I'm back home, I've had some time to work on the CB750k. I received some wire wrap in the mail to help clean up my speedo and tach wires that were exposed and just didn't look very nice.
I also picked up some orange colored wrap to see how it would look on the spark plug wires. It's a little different, but it just might work.
And then came the big carb rebuild job. It took me the entire weekend to get everything back together. It sure was daunting going into it, but now that I've done it, it didn't seem too hard at all.
I started by taking the entire thing apart and sorting it to be soaked in some simple green to help loosen everything up. I organized everything into its own container and soaked them for 1 hour. Then I gave them a good scrub with a toothbrush and left it all in the garage to dry over night. I finished at 1am, so I didn't want to get out the air compressor to dry everything - although I should have. I spent about 3 hours total cleaning.
The next day, I found the carbs to have a pretty bad film of calcium (I think) all over. I cleaned it up as best I could and just charged ahead hoping things would be ok. It took quite a while to get it all back together. Lots of looking at diagrams, lots of putting it half together and then finding something wrong so I had to take part of it apart again. The kits were super simple to install, though. I had 4 o-rings left over in each kit that I didn't end up using because they were not required on my carbs. Getting those springs back in the right place was probably the toughest part. This all took a good 3-4 hours to do and I just left the idle jets at 1.5 turns out like the Clymer's manual says.
Today, I reinstalled the newly rebuilt carbs. I've done this so many times now, it seriously only takes 10 minutes to completely reinstall these things and hook up the throttle and choke cables. My little choke holder screw is starting to strip though...I'll have to pick up a new one some time.
If you remember like I do, my bike was nearly impossible to start up previously. After reinstalling everything, it started up on the second very nice to hear that. However, it was still running a little rough.
Determined to get this right, I began by syncing the carbs. The sync gauges fit great and were a breeze to set up. With the right tools (carb sync gauge and proper adjuster screw driver) syncing the carbs was very, very easy to do.
Carb #2 cannot be adjusted, so you adjust #1, #3 and #4 all to match the levels of the second carb. Everything was completely out of whack when I started. It's no wonder this bike ran like crap.
After about 10 minutes of fiddling around with the idle adjuster screw and each of the individual adjustment bolt/screws, I got them pretty much aligned.
Once I got everything together, I cleaned up the shop and decided to go for a ride. Nothing major, just a quick trip around the block to see how everything feels after 2 months of working on it. It was my first ride since pretty much when I bought the bike and it feels like a whole new bike!
A few things to note. I'm going to leave the pods on for a while to see how poorly they operate. I want to determine for myself how different the pods are versus the air box. Second, those clubman bars are the most uncomfortable motorcycle bars I've ever used. They look cool, but jeez...after only 10 minutes of riding, my wrist was starting to feel it. I have a 3 hour ride planned to go camping this weekend, so we'll see how that goes with this bike.
![Undecided :-\](
And a quick note about the Dime City universal seat: it's ok, but it's not all that great. It'll last for the summer, but come next year, I'll be looking for a new one for sure. It fits...but not perfectly. It was a #$%* to install and it's not all that secure on there since I just used velcro to stick it to the mounting bracket. I like the look, but I think it's going to end up being a temporary seat.
I'm also leaking some milky liquid...most likely oil. And that's never good. It's leaking oil out of the exhaust pipe on the right side. So, the oil is obviously being shot out of the engine thought one of the exhaust exits, which I'm thinking that means i have a faulty ring??? It's happening in either #3 or #4. For the next little while, I'm just going to live with it. I've been without for too long, time to do some riding. I'll just keep an eye on the oil level and eventually take it in to get fixed, because tackling the engine is too much for me, I think.
I want to wrap the pipes, but I'm not sure if I will until I get the oil leak fixed. Something tells me that oil soaking into my exhaust wrap wouldn't be a good idea. In the weeks ahead, I need to fabricate a license plate mount thing and I might make a better ignition button bracket. There's also half a dozen little things I might clean up, like the cable routing and clutch engaging late.
I also want to do a nice little photo-shoot of the bike some afternoon. There's some interesting construction yards, industrial areas, graffiti covered places and miscellaneous locations that would look cool for some pics that I want to check out. But, for the rest of the summer though, I think I'm just going to enjoy it. The bike is a little rough around the edges, but we'll call the Noob's Build v1.0
complete for now.
v2.0 of A Noob's Build of a 1978 CB750k is planning to have:
- Oil leak fixed by replacing rings
- Purchase a new gas tank
- Possibly purchase a new seat
- Possibly relocate electronics under seat
- Purchase new side covers with 750Four badge
- Make a logo of a cappuccino with foam blowing off
- Paint tank, side covers, seat white or grey with a blue strip offset to the left
- Relocate ignition to side of bike somewhere
- Install a new front brake master cylinder
The updates will be slow and very irregular for the rest of the summer. Version 2.0 will probably begin sometime next year or maybe over the winter. Until then, I've got a new bike to get acquainted with.