I purchased the bike not so long ago to get it ready for riding season and it was riding like a champ then.
Last week I took it out for a spin and after about an hour of casual riding I came to a stop light and when I pulled out I noticed that the throttle was not picking up normally and I could hear a difference in the engine noise. I hit another stop light and when I down shifted from 3rd to 2nd the engine cut out on me completely. I was stranded for about 10 minutes when I kept trying to start it back up with both ignition and kick starter. I finally managed to get it going again and it felt fine again. I had to let it sit for a good week due to weather but now I cannot get it started.
She has
new battery fully charged,
new spark plugs with a
Dyna electronic ignition,
newly rebuild carbs with new jet and gaskets. There are no leaks anywhere.
I have tried repeatedly with ignition and kicker and only managed to get it started once with full choke and full throttle but died seconds after if it was not throttled. Even full throttle read low rpms.
I noticed that #3 and #4 was not hitting when I did get it to start with pipes being cool and other two hot.
I have let it sit for a day before trying again several times with no luck and scared I could have flooded. It sounds like it wants to turn over but never does. I have been reading everything I can and searching for similar situations with no luck.
I was told to check for spark by inserting screw driver to spark plug boot and grounding close to the engine to see if it sparks when hitting ignition (any advice on doing this procedure correct??) .
If plug boots all checks out, any ideas what else could cause this or where I should start???
Welcome to the forum.
This is the place for for help for your problem.
I cut up your post above to the way it can be diagnosed, I'm not qualified, but you'll find someone who is.
The tank vent is the easiest to check.
Pull the gas lines off the petcock and open the petcock to see if you get fuel.
If not, open the gas cap. If you still don't have fuel, sort the petcock.
If you have fuel, close the petcock, put the lines back on, open the float bowl drains and the petcock.
If you still don't have fuel, pull the carbs, clean them, and install in line fuel filters, high flow. Then Por 15 your tank.
The plugged vent cap lets you go a bit, but dies when the carbs are starved.
Is yours Boss Maroon?