1980 CB750C Electrical issue, push the starter and it just clicks. Here is what I know, and have done, so far:
Battery is at 12.15v. I realize that this is low and a new battery is in my future, but I feel that it should be enough to turn over the motor. Besides I tried to jump the battery from the car and nothing. Click.
I changed the regulator / rectifier with a used one without any joy.
I cleaned, and put on di-electric grease on every contact junction, even those in the headlight.
Removed the negative wire from battery to the frame and cleaned it off to be sure I was getting a good ground.
I tried jumping the solenoid, nothing. Except sparks.
Replaced the 30 amp fuse. All other fuses are good. Removed and tested for continuity.
Removed starter and it works on the bench. Cleaned the contact point. Did not open the starter, yet.
Checked continuity of the wire from solenoid to starter.
Turned over the motor, at least counter-clockwise to be sure at least it hadn't froze.
I am at a loss of what to check next. I realize that the reg/rect I substituted may have also been bad, but what are the odds? Anyone have more suggestions?