Hopefully the pilot fared better than these guys.
I was wondering about the pilots fate also.
It’s interesting that the P-40 seen plenty of action in the north African campaign. As American history credits the P-40 with General Clair Chenault's Flying Tigers operating in China against the Japanese. It was Canadian pilot James “stocky” Edwards from the 260 squadron in north Africa flying his P-40 that shot down Luftwaffe ace Otto Schulz (51 kills) in his Messerschmitt BF-109F in 1942.
In '42 the P-40 was still the best (non-carrier based) fighter America had.
It was more heavily armed than almost anything else it flew against in '42.
And as you point out, the Brits had acquired quite a few and used them to good advantage at lower altitudes early in the war.
That P-40 is certainly repairable. Hopefully it won't get buried in red tape. Egypt is still in flux these days.