The first pictured confirmed what I've been telling you all along. The slides do NOT bottom in the bores.
Your carbs do not have a master carb, #2 is like all the rest and part of the reason they can be assembled incorectly.
Further, the slide adjusters on the carb are outside the top caps.
The slide travel was adjusted for a 1/8" opening and you still have some of that left after the slide positions were corrupted.
Ok, one more time, then you are on your own.
Back out the big idle knob.
Pick a carb, any carb, and adjust the slide position so that it will floor in the bore. (Maybe even an extra twist of the adjuster.) Now lock that adjuster down and don't ever adjust it again. Designate that carb as the "master" carb.
Now you can bench sync the others to be the same as your "master" either on the bench or with vacuum gauges later.
The big idle knob will now take the slide off the "floor" so that the engine can achieve and idle speed. If not, you'll have to go back and change the slide travel at the master's position, and go through the process all over again.
Good luck!