Author Topic: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!  (Read 6045 times)

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Offline putnaja1

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Hi All,

I have noticed a trend lately, that goes a little like this:

I got my motorcycle license in 1992, and before that I rode dirtbikes.  When I first started riding the street bikes, if I could, I'd always choose a route with a major highway in it, so I could get on the highway, ease on over to the fast lane, and enjoy some decent speed motoring without being crowded by the other motorists entering and exiting the highway, etc.  Back then, while in town, if someone started coming into your lane, you'd just beep your horn, and they'd see you, give you the "I'm sorry" wave, and then get outta your lane.

Fast forward to now..  I have a list of some highways I just won't go on period- total cluster F***'s, and not worth the risk.  If I take my motorcycle to work, I ride on a smaller highway- two lanes each direction, seperated by a large margin of grass, and a shoulder on both sides, in both directions.  The speed limit here is 55, and in my truck I usually go about 65 to stay with the flow of traffic.  I just don't like to drive fast, so I stay in the right lane usually unless passing.  On the motorcycle, I've noticed that when I ride 65mph, cars tailgate me within a couple feet, pass me half in my lane, cut in front of me with only a few feet to spare, etc..  I've tried going a little faster- up to about 80 (on a 55mph hwy!) and it is no different- tailgated going 80 in the right lane!  Usually when these a-holes finally pass, they have one hand on their cell phone.

It's getting insane!  I know to look out for the kids with their hats on sideways, in the Chevy Cavalere's with the big soup can mufflers, etc.  But still, it's getting crazy.  Today, on a Saturday, I wanted to go for a nice ride, so I got on the highway..  I don't ride this one area of town too much, so I was going the speed limit or only a little more when getting on the exit ramps- especially because most of them had blind corners, and I didn't want to get going too fast and then not have enough time to stop, or merge, etc..  This one f*cking car tried to pass me on the exit ramp around a blind corner!!!  AND I WAS GOING OVER THE SPEED LIMIT!!!!!  He realized he wouldn't be able to do it- so he just tailgated me the rest of the way.  I would have pulled over but there was not enough space to do it on the ramp.  CRAZY!!  I was also passed by another car mostly in my lane today.

Now, I've been riding for a while, and I certainly don't drive like a freakin grandma here.  Honestly, I like to drive sportingly, and at the very least I'd say I'll still be going about 5 over the posted legal limit, but usually I try to stay with traffic which is about 15 over in most spots..  What I want to know is, what the hell is going on!  Doesn't anyone else experience this BS!?  I gotta say, I love to ride, but this is really taking away from the fun of things..

I guess I should mention, I'm in a suburb of Annapolis, MD, so this is considered the DC metro area for what that's worth, but it can't be much worse than any other area in the US..   
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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2006, 01:46:29 PM »
jeez man - that doesn't sound like much fun.   :o  Way too many people where you are.  An early Saturday morning ride here starting 2 minutes  out of my yard in this small city would look like this. About the only hazard would be a farm boy in a half-ton  (with his hat on backwards) weaving his way home from his Fri. night out. :)

Offline ProTeal55

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2006, 02:19:33 PM »
My friend almsot got killed by some guy the other day who was reading a book that was across
his stearing wheel  as he drove 70mph on the tollway.... :o
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends


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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2006, 03:01:18 PM »
You're not alone sir. I've often wanted to express myself on this topic as well, but decided to restrain myself so as not get a bad name on the forum. But believe me, I'm with you on this one 100%. I had an experience last summer on the interstate in A.M. rush hour with some jerk
who, after I invited him to the side of the road, promptly dialed 911 on his gay little cell phone.
Needless to say, I couldn't hang around, and probably made a bad decision even getting involved with him at all. These people outnumber us, so we gotta keep that in mind too.
You can get in trouble really fast in more ways than one. Be cool and remember the golden rule of the sport of hockey: "Keep your head up". Works like a charm when you're on the bike
too. Above all, don't let these idiots spoil the fun. If you let things simmer, you'll get caught up in it and pretty soon, you're acting like they are.  Enjoy the ride... 8)

Offline scondon

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2006, 04:28:44 PM »
  It's pretty much the same here on the West Coast, Putna. Drivers are aware and curteous for the most part but there are just so damn many of them that not a day goes by where I don't have an encounter with a "bad apple". Cell phone users are the #1 offender in dangerous encounters. 18-25 year olds driving "loud and low" Toyota's/Honda's are a distant second.

     Most of the encounters you describe involve cars wanting to pass. I get the sense that drivers think a motorcycle should be going FAST and they get enraged if they are held up behind one. I've adjusted my riding to keep most of the traffic in front of me. This means 85-90mph in the fast lane with a glance in the mirrors every 30 seconds or so. When I see a car closing in from behind I'll take it up to 100mph to get distance and pull over a lane and let them by. This may sound fast but people are doing 75 in the SLOW lane(4 lane highway).

     I'm all for a leisurely ride and enjoy a slower pace on the open highway, but I feel safer at high speed on freeways in the city/metropolitan area.

     I do believe you are correct in noting that it hasn't always been this way.
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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2006, 05:55:16 PM »
just driving around in the car it seems like driving skills are rapidly deteriorating across the country.  cell phones are mostly to blame.  sucks that the government it going to have to regulate it since so many idiots can't do two things at once.

Offline oldbiker

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2006, 01:44:27 AM »
It's the same here in the UK. I think it would be a good idea if they made all drivers spend three month's riding a motorbike before they were allowed to drive a car. (Yes, I know the idea is impractical) They would then appreciate the problems and learn to read road conditions far better. How many car drivers do you know that realise that wet leaves on the road are slippy or who see changes in road surfaces.

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2006, 03:45:32 AM »
I think, in most cases, drivers seem to be more aware of bikes than they were 20-30 yrs ago (GOD, I'm starting to sound like my father). I think it is because there are so many more bikes on the road.

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2006, 05:25:32 AM »
     Yea it is not just once in a while it is all the time anymore. My everyday driver is an 85 Jetta diesel (non turbo) it is a great car but slow.
 I keep myself in the right & middle lane stay at least five miles over the speed limit.  Still I get idiots riding my ass cus they want to get
 around the people doing 80 in the left lane. I just hold my own & turn up the music & say fudge you learn to slow down a$$.

    I to have invited my fare share to the side even taking a risk with a couple that took me up on it. The one who actually had the balls
 to get out, thought he had me when two friends got out with him. But then my aluminum bat slid out with me they shook there heads shouted
some shi* at me & took off. I have learned to shrug them off now. To many people carrying guns & cell phones set to speed dial 911.
I am not getting shot or going to jail cus they suck at driving.  ??? ???

Offline 74cb750

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2006, 07:31:48 AM »
Drivers around here (Vermont) that are dangerous are usually the Tourists in their
Porches/Mercedez/etc going to their second homes away from the cities. Seems they
think they own the roads because they have more $ than the locals and they have
forgotten the yellow lines indicate which side of the road to be on.

The 2nd problem is the bicycle tourist groups: usually can be found riding two abreast
in 90 degree blind curves. A real joy to encounter.

I have spoken to the tour owner and he is a moron.  Won't say anthing to the paying
customers for fear of losing them. Go figure.
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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2006, 08:42:55 AM »
Yep, same here in Washington. Had a guy in the right lane look over at me in the left lane and still turned into my lane. Almost hit me. Makes me feel like carrying a pocket full of ball bearings and throwing them on the pavement in front of him.
Yes, people are becoming much more aggressive at driving. You must stay alert for anything and drive a few seconds ahead of where you are.

Offline Rushoid

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2006, 10:17:27 AM »
I think that a big reason for deteriorating driving skills ( aside from the cell phone) is that cars are so much easier to drive now. When my friends and I were learning to drive, we had old Mustangs, Dusters, Chevelles, etc. When your car has no power brakes, no power steering, and a stick-shift, you really have to pay a lot more attention to what's going on. Just like riding a motorcycle. Throw in climate control (versus the old 2/60 air conditioning), good stereo (even the factory cheapo sounds good), and a quiet cabin, the driver becomes isolated from their surroundings. Almost as if it's on autopilot - you're just along for the ride.

I know I'm a much better driver because I learned in those "basic" conditions. My daughter's beat-up '97 Contour is still plush compared to cars even 20 years old.
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Offline Slapguts

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2006, 10:39:21 AM »
I got rear eded at a light last night, about 9pm. Just as I took off from a green light, a red mustang clipped my left exhaust. Destroyed my turn signal, muffler and left tire marks on my jeans. I didn't go down, but was too shaken up to be able to catch him as he sped off. I only got half of the tag number, so no help from the cops.
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Offline Rushoid

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2006, 10:57:36 AM »
Oh, that SUCKS! Sorry to hear that, but glad you're okay. Did the cops actually say that? For a hit and run I would think they'd at least try. I'll feel sorry for that Mustang if you ever find it.
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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2006, 12:20:03 PM »
Carry a big gun!
Glad you're alright. That really sucks. Especially the fact that the driver didn't stop. That's one of the biggest problems with our society today. Most people don't admit when they make a mistake, just run off and hide.


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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2006, 01:07:48 PM »
   I will add some to this. One I drive like no one can see me. This is the same way I drove a city buss. That way you expect them to move into you, cut you off, tail gate you ECT. Now for a real bad one and sad to say I have a Neff that dose this as he hates bikes period. When traffic is slowed down here in calif it is legal for a bike to tread the needle. Well he hates that as he is stuck in his big rig so when about two or less cars behind him he will suddenly move over to cut them off. >:( >:( >:(  He thinks that the only thing that has a right on the road is the trucks 1st then cars only. But that a motorcycle has no right and should never be allowed on the road at all ??? >:(   I believe some day he will kill one but tell then he will not stop driving like an a hole .sad part is I have ridden bikes for almost 30 plus years and helped raise him so no idea were it came from .  Back in the 60's and 70's people were scared of bike because of the biker gangs now days they hate them for being able to get around jams and getting better gas miles then there hummers do. I also believe and I know this sounds sexist but woman driver are now as if not more aggressive then men and also more prone to take driving not seriously as they do not believe or understand how fast nor how much damage a car can and will do . Just watch one cut in front of a big rig and then hit the breaks to make there exit. I do ride a lot of freeway miles and back roads and find this same thing on both.
 Also if in calif and a big rig dose cut you off if it is a big 445lb 30's young man if you can turn his ass in! In fact any one that doses this turns them in if you can but keep your self safe first and foremost.
 The other one I find is people pulling travel trailers or boats as they do not always seam to know how long they are. Had one cut into me and hit my bars. How I stayed up and riding is beyond me but thank God I did and can type about it here.

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2006, 09:45:49 PM »
Not all have lost their minds, some never had one to begin with.  Even in lightly traveld states there are people that seem to take passing a motorcycle as a challange, sort of like it proves their masculinity if they do.  I let them go by.  If they are really moving and it's safe to do so I'll pace them for a bit just to see how fast they are going.  Last Tuesday some guy in a Nissan Maxima was moving on at about 105 on a rural two-lane.   I dropped back to 75 and let him sweep the road for the HP.  Or cows.  Or deer.  It has been said that traveling a few mph faster than the traffic around you is safer than hanging with the crowd as it prevents tailgating.  I'm not sure about it though as it seems constantly switching lanes might be dangerous in itself.  Any opinions on that?


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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2006, 10:42:22 PM »
I have a 24 OZ Chrome Ball Peen Hammer that is inscribed with traffic cop on the head and it is attached to a 4 ft chain. I do not hesitate to use it when the time is right. Really I could careless if I blast out a window or two. For the ball bearing toss, if you have a friend that works in a metal working plant have him grab some of the shot from the shot peener machine. This stuff is prefect round and is about the size of sand. Let's put it this way at the whole 2 1/2 MPH you can walk this stuff will put you on your ass without mercy.  ;D About 1/2 LB will send just about any car for the ditch.  8)

Usually they are so afraid of me they would not dare crowd me. I really dont care how "Bad Ass" I look. As long as they give me space. I want to be so scarry that thier kids cry when they pass me.  8) ;D

Those who want to run fast I use them as a Radar trap block  ;D

« Last Edit: June 11, 2006, 10:49:14 PM by ElCheapo »

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2006, 11:15:34 PM »
I think that a big reason for deteriorating driving skills ( aside from the cell phone) is that cars are so much easier to drive now. When my friends and I were learning to drive, we had old Mustangs, Dusters, Chevelles, etc. When your car has no power brakes, no power steering, and a stick-shift, you really have to pay a lot more attention to what's going on. Just like riding a motorcycle. Throw in climate control (versus the old 2/60 air conditioning), good stereo (even the factory cheapo sounds good), and a quiet cabin, the driver becomes isolated from their surroundings. Almost as if it's on autopilot - you're just along for the ride.

I know I'm a much better driver because I learned in those "basic" conditions. My daughter's beat-up '97 Contour is still plush compared to cars even 20 years old.

I agree with this completely!!

I have a 24 OZ Chrome Ball Peen Hammer that is inscribed with traffic cop on the head and it is attached to a 4 ft chain. I do not hesitate to use it when the time is right. Really I could careless if I blast out a window or two. For the ball bearing toss, if you have a friend that works in a metal working plant have him grab some of the shot from the shot peener machine. This stuff is prefect round and is about the size of sand. Let's put it this way at the whole 2 1/2 MPH you can walk this stuff will put you on your ass without mercy.  Grin About 1/2 LB will send just about any car for the ditch.

Hmm... Maybe a bag of it hanging on the back with a ripcord that you can get to... They cut you off, you pass them again and pull the cord!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 11:02:50 AM by Pinhead »

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Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2006, 02:33:18 AM »
I have a 24 OZ Chrome Ball Peen Hammer that is inscribed with traffic cop on the head and it is attached to a 4 ft chain. I do not hesitate to use it when the time is right. Really I could careless if I blast out a window or two. For the ball bearing toss, if you have a friend that works in a metal working plant have him grab some of the shot from the shot peener machine. This stuff is prefect round and is about the size of sand. Let's put it this way at the whole 2 1/2 MPH you can walk this stuff will put you on your ass without mercy.  ;D About 1/2 LB will send just about any car for the ditch.  8)

Usually they are so afraid of me they would not dare crowd me. I really dont care how "Bad Ass" I look. As long as they give me space. I want to be so scarry that thier kids cry when they pass me.  8) ;D

Those who want to run fast I use them as a Radar trap block  ;D


When children don't want to go to bed they are threatened to call the Boogie Man. When the Boogie Man don't want to go to bed, he is threatened to call Cheapo...   ;D


Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2006, 02:44:33 AM »
I'm not sure about it though as it seems constantly switching lanes might be dangerous in itself.

I share that opinion. Seems to me, the more maneuvers you make the greater the risks.
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Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2006, 03:28:07 AM »
I'm not sure about it though as it seems constantly switching lanes might be dangerous in itself.

I share that opinion. Seems to me, the more maneuvers you make the greater the risks.

I have always been from that school of thought.


Offline byidesign

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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2006, 04:31:12 AM »
Don't feel alone that "crazies" are more numerous,
    I've always wanted to mount a "paintball" gun to
     the frame for those occasions, a friend of mine
      carries a handful of {white paintballs} in his fairing pouch
         when tailgated he uses his hand to motion them
        back ,if he gets the "bird" in return he rewards them
         with a handful of paintbirds#* proper ..{birds#*t white}  it's
           water soluble and non damaging, and works very well....
              backs em right off, especially when they turn on the wipers..


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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2006, 06:06:27 AM »
This stuff is prefect round and is about the size of sand. Let's put it this way at the whole 2 1/2 MPH you can walk this stuff will put you on your ass without mercy. 

Larger sizes bearings (1 inch) if thrown down on the pavement will bounce up about windshield high..............


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Re: Is it just me? Or, have all car drivers lost their damn minds?!
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2006, 06:21:21 AM »
When children don't want to go to bed they are threatened to call the Boogie Man. When the Boogie Man don't want to go to bed, he is threatened to call Cheapo...   ;D

I'll remember this  ;D

This stuff is prefect round and is about the size of sand. Let's put it this way at the whole 2 1/2 MPH you can walk this stuff will put you on your ass without mercy.

Larger sizes bearings (1 inch) if thrown down on the pavement will bounce up about windshield high..............
But the tiny size of the shot makes them slicker than anything you have ever seen :o Plus they do disappear quickly, so to speak ::)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 06:29:47 AM by ElCheapo »