Hi All,
I have noticed a trend lately, that goes a little like this:
I got my motorcycle license in 1992, and before that I rode dirtbikes. When I first started riding the street bikes, if I could, I'd always choose a route with a major highway in it, so I could get on the highway, ease on over to the fast lane, and enjoy some decent speed motoring without being crowded by the other motorists entering and exiting the highway, etc. Back then, while in town, if someone started coming into your lane, you'd just beep your horn, and they'd see you, give you the "I'm sorry" wave, and then get outta your lane.
Fast forward to now.. I have a list of some highways I just won't go on period- total cluster F***'s, and not worth the risk. If I take my motorcycle to work, I ride on a smaller highway- two lanes each direction, seperated by a large margin of grass, and a shoulder on both sides, in both directions. The speed limit here is 55, and in my truck I usually go about 65 to stay with the flow of traffic. I just don't like to drive fast, so I stay in the right lane usually unless passing. On the motorcycle, I've noticed that when I ride 65mph, cars tailgate me within a couple feet, pass me half in my lane, cut in front of me with only a few feet to spare, etc.. I've tried going a little faster- up to about 80 (on a 55mph hwy!) and it is no different- tailgated going 80 in the right lane! Usually when these a-holes finally pass, they have one hand on their cell phone.
It's getting insane! I know to look out for the kids with their hats on sideways, in the Chevy Cavalere's with the big soup can mufflers, etc. But still, it's getting crazy. Today, on a Saturday, I wanted to go for a nice ride, so I got on the highway.. I don't ride this one area of town too much, so I was going the speed limit or only a little more when getting on the exit ramps- especially because most of them had blind corners, and I didn't want to get going too fast and then not have enough time to stop, or merge, etc.. This one f*cking car tried to pass me on the exit ramp around a blind corner!!! AND I WAS GOING OVER THE SPEED LIMIT!!!!! He realized he wouldn't be able to do it- so he just tailgated me the rest of the way. I would have pulled over but there was not enough space to do it on the ramp. CRAZY!! I was also passed by another car mostly in my lane today.
Now, I've been riding for a while, and I certainly don't drive like a freakin grandma here. Honestly, I like to drive sportingly, and at the very least I'd say I'll still be going about 5 over the posted legal limit, but usually I try to stay with traffic which is about 15 over in most spots.. What I want to know is, what the hell is going on! Doesn't anyone else experience this BS!? I gotta say, I love to ride, but this is really taking away from the fun of things..
I guess I should mention, I'm in a suburb of Annapolis, MD, so this is considered the DC metro area for what that's worth, but it can't be much worse than any other area in the US..