Author Topic: Blown Main fuse  (Read 2528 times)

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Offline Fran Fitzpatrick

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Blown Main fuse
« on: May 12, 2012, 08:50:16 AM »

     Today's topic is a blown main fuse (15a).  My bike keeps blowing the 15a fuse.  I have a feeling that it is a bad fuse plate/box being that the fuse/box/plate needs to be wriggled around a bit before the electrics come back on.  I tried to find a new fuse plate/box but they are no longer being manufactured. In the past I've had some luck using new items from other model Honda's on my "A".  Does anyone now where I can get a new fuse box/plate that would work? (Just a side note the brake light does not brighten when the breaks are applied nor does the horn work). 

As always thanks for all past help.


Offline raymond10078

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Re: Blown Main fuse
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2012, 09:29:03 AM »
There is a new one on ebay right now, but pricey!  A used one as well.

I recommend contacting Hondaman.  He makes new fuse blocks:

Contact him and see if he can make you a new one for the CB750A - and then let us know (so we can share the info).

What your experiencing is not that rare.  Those fuse blocks don't age well.  I had to replace mine as well - bought a used one on ebay.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 09:36:43 AM by kandrtech »
1978 CB750A (upgrading very, very slowly)

Past bikes - Honda: SL350, CX650C, CB900C, CB1000C, CM450A; Kawasaki: several 1972 750 H2's; Suzuki: TC90J.

Bikes I want: CX650ED, a mid-sized japanese V-twin with ABS.

Offline salukispeed

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Re: Blown Main fuse
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 06:58:25 PM »
The previous owner of my 77"A" cut the red Main wires from the back of the fuse block and soldered in a new heavy duty ( 20-30 amp holder )  blade style holder that is now tucked in with the rest of the wiring. Seems to work well. I once tried a cheaper type but it burned up in one season and left me stranded for a while figuring it out.
1974 CB750 K4
1970 CT70
1966 CA77 (305 Dream)
1984 GL1200 Interstate
1977 750A
1972 CL100

Offline 77Pinto

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Re: Blown Main fuse
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 04:35:17 AM »
My first GoldWing, a 76, had the main fuse replaced with an in line one made for the glass tube style fuse when I got the bike in 1985.  I had the bike for years with no trouble, but then after long rides it would shut off with no power to anything.  After a few minutes it would seem fine and run again, sometimes for hours, sometimes weeks.  I found that the fuse holder would get hot and the spring inside would push it apart when the plastic got soft, and when it cooled it would re-connect the fuse.  I installed a HEAVY duty fuse holder and never had a problem again.


Offline Fran Fitzpatrick

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Re: Blown Main fuse
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2012, 01:05:27 PM »
Kandrtech turned me on to a site that will make a new fuse box for my 1978 "A". The site has made fuse boxes for other SOHC CB750's but this will be the first they made for the "A" model. They use auto style fuses, once I receive and install the new box I'll post the results. 

Thanks for the feedback,
