I love purple BUT, the first time I had my Harley painted purple with ghost flames it came back fuchsia with purple flames. Fuchsia is just another way to say PINK!! The next time I had a bike painted purple I went for a deeper purple. It came back cobalt blue. It looked great but it was not purple. It also took months to get it done so a reshoot was out of the question.
Both times I wanted a dark purple. Like a metallic eggplant. I guess I must be color blind and cant pick paint. The samples look right but the end product is wrong. the last car I did over, I wanted to paint it blue. I would buy a pint, bring it to the body shop and they would shoot a test panel. Each time I thought I had the right color, as soon as I saw the test panel I knew I had it wrong. I did this at least 10 times. that is 10 pints of paint wasted. I ended up having it painted black!!