Author Topic: CB175 carb parts  (Read 2702 times)

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Offline Jay B

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CB175 carb parts
« on: June 11, 2006, 03:52:27 PM »
Anyone have a left floatbowl for a CB175?? Mines corroded too bad to use.
'77 CB550K
'74 CB350F cafe
2001 Road King
'73 CB175


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Re: CB175 carb parts
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2006, 01:11:27 PM »
Sorry to take your thread off track but how is the performance of the 175? i assume it's a 2 stroke, and i'm thinking about getting a 2 stroke next. there are bikes for sale around here in the 175-185 range but i'm worried it wont be nearly enough power. i'm thinking at least a 250-350.

edit: apparently my assumption was wrong, i did some looking and it would appear its a air cooled four stroke twin? i'm still interested in performance though, is the claimed 136km/h top end a bit of wishful thinking?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2006, 06:34:52 PM by glendaler »

Offline csendker

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Re: CB175 carb parts
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2006, 08:56:35 PM »
4-stroke SOHC-2.  It's basically 1/2 a SOHC-4.  I got mine to learn wrenching without destroying my 550.  So far, my performance is miserable, BUT, the fact she runs at all is a miracle - a major project bike in it's infancy.  I'm ripping stuff off, cleaning & playing and slapping it back on.  The more fun I have, the more I rip off.  I fired it up the other day and spun around the block once just to prove it actually runs.  Coughed, sputtered and puked gas.  I obviously included the carbs with my experimentation and haven't even started to set them back up properly.  Just a blind reassembly, bolt on & fire up.  As I said, a miracle.  I'm looking for a ridiculously high milage commuter - the fastest I need to go for my daily commute is about 45-50 mph.  The power will never rival my 550, but should be plenty for a simple daily commuter.  I view it as a scooter on steroids, with enough power to safely play in whatever traffic I face on my way back & forth to work.  That said, I believe, at least in NYS, there is a minimum cc you need to tackle the interstates.  Hell, I don't even like taking the 550 on them anyway, so I'd never even think of it on the 175.  The secondary highways - blue highways {good book, by the way} are more fun & interesting anyway.
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Offline csendker

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Re: CB175 carb parts
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2006, 08:57:29 PM »

You still in need?
Actually runs --> 1975 CB550-K1
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Offline Jay B

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Re: CB175 carb parts
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2006, 06:14:56 AM »

You still in need?

Yep, Haven't come up with one yet. In fact I'd like a whole left hand carb, but I could get by with just the bowl. I'm also in the market for new headlight ears and a headlight bucket.

The performance of these isn't too bad, considering it's size. I've had this '73 since new, my first street bike. The speedo would nudge 80 with my 14 year old self on board, laying on the tank with maybe a little tailwind. So maybe 75 would be max. Not an interstate bike, but fine for commuting, etc. My son was a little rough on this thing during his learning curve, now I'm going to do a resto for my wife.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2006, 09:13:58 AM by Jay B »
'77 CB550K
'74 CB350F cafe
2001 Road King
'73 CB175

Offline csendker

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Re: CB175 carb parts
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2006, 07:29:13 AM »

Oops, lost track of this one.  I have a spare, albeit partially cannabilized carb and a pair of bent-up gold fork ears - the ones with the sliders, not the ones with the boots.  The fork ears could be straightened & painted if you're just making a runner, probably toast if you're looking for a real nice resto.  I'll take some pics & post at some point.  Let me know if you're interested.

Actually runs --> 1975 CB550-K1
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