Author Topic: looks like Im going back into the carbs again...wish me luck.78 cb 750 f3  (Read 4573 times)

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Offline lostmykeys

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 I did everything I could to avoid taking them off again but when I took the airbox off i saw that the accelerator pump nozzles would only shoot about an inch maybe two.From what I have read it should be more like 6-8 inches.Can I just buy some prostate medicine and put it in the gas tank?
 I seem to remember the first time I had the carbs apart there was only 1 hole in the mickey mouse ears.
 Why would the bike run right new with one hole and now everyone is saying there should be two holes?

Offline harisuluv

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Yes there should be two.  It is very common for the nozzles themselves to be clogged.  They are extremely tiny passages and they are had to access.


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Lost if you don't like taking off carbs then you should check everything on the bench this time BEFORE you put them back on. Allmost every thing but final sync can and should be done on the test jig ask if you need photos. The most important thing after the bench test is to NOT reintroduce trash back into the carbs with a dirty tank bad in tank filter bad rubber in petcock or fuel lines. If not all the carb cleaning and testing will be in vein.


Offline lostmykeys

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 Nice work!! But why would Honda put only one hole in the mikey mouse ears or did the original part have two and mine is a replacement?

Offline lostmykeys

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 Bollingball I hear you,I do have a new inline filter and new clear lines
 My petcock cannot be taken appart to clean or service.I did read a thread taday about drilling the petcock rivets out so you change the gasket.
 Can I still get enough crap in my carbs with new filter and new lines to cause problems?

Offline lostmykeys

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 Bollingball I ask that question because my tank developed some flash rust while I was priming it for paint.


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They come with two holes sometimes one does not get punched. If your petcock is working I would leave it . I would monitor the fuel lines and filter for that rust. I just don't know how bad it is that is your call. At least rinse it with gas. I use kerosene with 2 cycle oil to keep flash down. Have you seen the video on back flushing the accelerator nozzles?


Offline lucky

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I did everything I could to avoid taking them off again but when I took the airbox off i saw that the accelerator pump nozzles would only shoot about an inch maybe two.From what I have read it should be more like 6-8 inches.Can I just buy some prostate medicine and put it in the gas tank?
 I seem to remember the first time I had the carbs apart there was only 1 hole in the mickey mouse ears.
 Why would the bike run right new with one hole and now everyone is saying there should be

6-8 No way!!!
The nozzle points to the combustion chamber and the rubber boot that holds the carb on is only about 2 inches!!! 

What are you talking about 6-8 inches???

When you look in the carb you can see it squirt back towards the engine but
How would you even measure 6-8 inches??? FORGET ABOUT THAT!!!!

Offline lucky

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Nice work!! But why would Honda put only one hole in the mikey mouse ears or did the original part have two and mine is a replacement?

I really do not like when people make up these terms like "mickey mouse ears"
When you look at the gasket there are two protrusions. one goes around the check valve  in the top of the float bowl gasket. with a O ring set into a recess and the other protrusion is for the accelerator pump rod hole.

Offline lostmykeys

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 6 to 8 inches had me wondering too,
 when I read that somewhere,I just figured maybe they meant there should be enough velocity from the squiters to shoot that far,given the room.
 As far as the Mikey mouse ear thing that is just the term I have read to disribe the diaphram,so I felt it would make sense to use  the same terminology to get results reguarding my question.
 All I'm trying to do is get this bike running right and any help is appriciated.

Offline BobbyR

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Mickey Mouse ears is fine. If you have one punch open the other one. Try to pass a thin copper wire  through the passages to dislodge any crap in there. Clean out any varnish in pump. Give the rest of the carb a nice cleaning using the wire. Attach a clean filter, synch the carbs and keep an eye om the filter for rust etc. 
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Offline lostmykeys

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Thanks BobbyR,
 Did the original diapfhrams have 1 hole or two?
 Thank you

Offline scottly

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Nice work!! But why would Honda put only one hole in the mikey mouse ears or did the original part have two and mine is a replacement?

I really do not like when people make up these terms like "mickey mouse ears"

Who cares? People have been calling them Mickey Mouse ears for years, because that's what they look like. I recall you didn't like the term "team", regarding the relay, either. ;)

Yes, lost, they are supposed to have 2 holes.
Don't fix it if it ain't broke!
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Offline lostmykeys

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 thanks Scottly

Offline Spanner 1

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If the acc. pump 'squirt' ports are only squirting 1 or 2 inches then 'prolly some P.O. stuck a needle or something into the squirt nozzles and opened them up to where they can't hold any pressure.... if all 4 are squirting tho' I wouldn't fuss about it as the squirt gas will get sucked in just the same....  ;).... IMO.
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline lostmykeys

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 Spanner, thanks for the response
 So If these squirters had free rein on how far they could squirt [providing they were working properly}how far should that be?Mine just make it to the choke butterfly.

Offline Spanner 1

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Should shoot all the way into the cylinder actually.... :'(
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline Spanner 1

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Wait !..... are both MM ears open ?... must be for correct operation...

Mickey Mouse Ears

Mickey Mouse Ears

Mickey Mouse Ears
There!... I said it too  :D
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline lucky

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Wait !..... are both MM ears open ?... must be for correct operation...

Mickey Mouse Ears

Mickey Mouse Ears

Mickey Mouse Ears
There!... I said it too  :D

Ok..ok...Mickey Mouse ears it is. -Lucky

Offline AbbyRider

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Mickey Mouse Ears makes a whole lot more sense visually than "two protrusions", unless you've never been to Disneyland, I guess.
'98 VTR1000 Superhawk
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Offline lucky

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Let me tell you something that is very important.. That bottom plate of the accelerator pump is EVERYTHING.

There is a small steel ball in the bottom and if it has corrosion on it the pump cannot make pressure.

There is another check ball and spring in the top edge of the float bowl.

The one in the bottom plate can have a small brass OR plastic square post holding down the spring and the steel ball.
The brass or plastic pin is just a push fit in the aluminum housing. the reason the pin is square in a round hole is to let fluid into the hole or out of the hole.

If you take a small jewelers screwdriver,( a very small flat one) you can pry that little post up out of that hole and the spring and ball will fall out. Put this all on a big towel on a table top so you do not loose the spring.

Look at the ball with a magnifying glass to see if the ball is corroded. If it is you can roll it around on a piece of fine grit sand paper until it is clean and shiny.

Sometimes the ball cannot be fixed. Also clean out the hole the ball covers.

The check ball in the top edge of the float bowl is usually ok and you do not need to take it apart but spray some carb cleaner in it. Guard your eyes!!

The check ball in the float bowl top edge keeps gas from draining back down into the accelerator pump . It is a one way valve you can test it by blowing through a straw from a WD40 spray can.

The bottom plate with check ball is critical to the operation of the pump.

Offline lucky

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Mickey Mouse Ears makes a whole lot more sense visually than "two protrusions", unless you've never been to Disneyland, I guess.

There might be some young people who do not know who Mickey Mouse is?

Offline Spanner 1

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If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline Spanner 1

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Agree with Lucky about the check valve in the bottom of the acc. pump 'sump'.... very usually the very first thing to get gummed-up in the acc. pump operation with old gas/water/rust . The OP says that all 4 of his posts are squirting tho' and usually a bad bottom check valve will mean no squirt at all  ;) Seems his prob is low pressure.... maybe posts 'reamed-out' or bad pump diaphragm  :)
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline Imago

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There is a small steel ball in the bottom and if it has corrosion on it the pump cannot make pressure.

There is another check ball and spring in the top edge of the float bowl.The bottom plate with check ball is critical to the operation of the pump.
See if this helps:

I'm going into mine again tomorrow...