Here winter is nice as long as you can get through the cold mornings and nights, we average 4-5 C through the middle of winter and get a week or so where the temps plumit to 1-2 C overnight (AND YES THAT IS BLOODY COLD), and we usually average 20-22 C during the day, and again there is about a week in the middle where the temps don't climb much above 16 C. The coldest daytime temp I can remember was last year we had one day where it didn't crack 12 C, I felt like I was dying, damn it was cold. Winter around here is riding season, because almost everyday is blue skies and it isn't really that cold, summer here sucks, but not as much as further north, we average 34 C during the day and about 25 C at night then in the middle of summer we get a few weeks where it is 36-37 C, this heat comes hand in hand with humidity in the range of 90+%, oh and lets not forget the rain. So yeah basically I'm going to be that rugged up that I look like the Michelin man when I get there I think.