Stock fender cut to use as a fender brace. This is with a 100/90-19 tire. Close, but it clears.
Doesn't the tire swell at high speed from centrifugal force, making the center taller? Don't know how much growth occurs in THAT tire. But, if you've ever been to a drag race, tire diameter growth was pretty easy to see.
About this fenderless idea, though.
Personally, I generally prefer stock stuff because it was designed and reviewed by a team of educated engineers, who together, could fill in knowledge that another might be lacking or had overlooked.
Can twelve people make the same mistake? Yes, it happens. You only need to browse these forums for ample evidence of that. Education reduces the probability, though. I don't think human opinion means sh!t, particularly when no facts are considered, other than what "looks" good. You only need to look at human fashion trends to see ample proof of multiple shared opinion being outright wrong.
But, since this is more about opinion than any actual function...
Do you think the first motorcycle was born with a fender?
I think not. (Hey, it's only my opinion. I wasn't actually there. Nor have I researched the very first motorcycle.)
But, I believe it wasn't until later that a fender was added as an improvement toward increasing the machine's general utility.
So, in my mind, removing the fender is a regression in technology, and diminishes the bike's effective performance envelope.
Really, would you want to drive fenderless from Maine to Mexico?
I certainly don't like wearing bits of roadway or any of its accumulated detritus, and fenders reduce that interaction greatly.
How many street cleaners have you seen on the highway? And, do they actually clean, or just push stuff around until it has an even patina? How many times have you seen people discard stuff from their moving vehicles? Care to imagine what that "stuff" is? Care to wear it? Sure, some of it just might be Angelina Jolie's personal body sweat, that would make you feel "close" to her. But, that's just not for me.
Me, I not only want fenders, but a windshield and fairing, too. I've eaten my fair share of bugs, and other grit and grime off the roadway, when I was younger and "invincible". (I feel stupid about that now.) Now, I'd rather it went around me and settled in my tracks for someone else to consume or wear.
But, that's just my opinion.